.26.He didn't

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Dick was panicking.

Wally had went to get the flowers and chocolates from James Flowers.

The necklace was sitting next to the giant teddy bear on the table.

It was a heart locket.

He had put a picture of them when they were at the zoo in the locket

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He had put a picture of them when they were at the zoo in the locket.

Everything was perfect..well almost.

Wally burst in the door,"They didn't have any pink roses so I got assorted flowers."

He set the vase next to the necklace's box and put the chocolates under the necklace box.

"Perfect.Now the last piece."Dick said as he picked up his phone.


Zatanna wasn't happy.She had got Dick's present,but she didn't want to see it anymore.

I really love him.But does he love me?

She heard a voice in her head.

Darling,our son loves you with all of his heart.He would never want to give you up.You guys might fight,but it shows that you guys share love for each other.And I can tell you are gonna make a beautiful daughter-in-law.

She picked her head up.She felt better.He really does love her.

Artemis knocked on her window,"I was called cause Dick needs you."

She frowned,"I don't wanna see him."

Artemis got a feeling in her stomach.


She looked at Artemis with tears in her eyes,"Cause he forgot our anniversary cause I called him and I asked him what day it was and he said hump day and it hurt my feelings then I thought-"

Artemis saw and heard the pain in her voice and face,"Woah.Okay...You talk really fast when your sad..But he didn't forget your anniversary.He's been talking about it all day!!"

Zatanna felt embarrassed,"Lets not talk about this."

Artemis got in the car and helped her fix her makeup.


Wally was eating popcorn,"You know what I just realized."

Dick was on his phone,"Hm?"

"You were dating Barbara 3 years ago."

Dick frowned,"Lets not talk about that.She's a slut,get over her Wally."

Wally put a hand on his chest,"Excuse me?I never dated her!"

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