Chapter 0- Wish on Kamii-sama

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I was walking late as usual as the day of the leaves finally fall upon the trees of the nearby forest; I was home again with a bustled and knock of the door of my parent’s house, as I knock quietly a note suddenly flew over the door’s mailbox leaving a trace of unknown that left me confused at a second.

“What is this note?!” I questioned as I grab it and opened it hoping for the better and not for the worst; I read it with misconception appearing on my face of the sounding echoed of the letter’s words.

As the note was written:

Dear our beloved child,

This is our last meeting and the note for the two of us, we are now leaving you here for things to care of, we want to see you but mommy and daddy won’t see you anymore because there is a reason because we better not stay with you because we can harm you and your own family as you are own adoptive daughter  Good luck! We miss you!, but in all we love you, Mommy and Daddy is having a long trip or never coming back you will soon understand this, Goodbye my beloved child.

                                                                                                 Take good care our beloved Shiori,

                                                                                                               Your own Parents

I stared blankly as I was deaf to hear and blind to see but as I understand each word I received “We, leaving, Miss, you, goodbye, reason,” Now echoed onto my chest as I take this pain of everlasting regret. As I then remember my past of the sweet times, the bitter and the weirdest moments in my life, the things they always share from each other for me and themselves.

Shiori POV: Past and her Present

“Mom, Dad! Let’s go play!” I pouted as cling to my mother’s arm, her lifts sounded like angels flowing the sky , in a matter of minutes her voice said what I always love, “Sure, Shiori!” her eyes shone that I always like, those eyes of honesty and love for me, “Dad! Let’s go!” I handed over to my dad’s arm trying to pull him, as he smiled and ran as well to my feelings that echoed within my heart, “Sure!” My dad also returned a great smile that leads me gave a smile as well, as we ran to the fields of the morning warm sun that shined of the bright day.

Present time:

Soon tears erupted through my eyes as I read this letter, this letter is the only thing I have for my parents to remember by, “Mom and Dad, I don’t understand why? Do you leave me? I love with you all my dearest heart as my own parents” I shed a tear that covered my face as the thoughts of their faces soon echoed upon my hearing, “Mom, Dad please returned back!” As I carefully grab the letter pointing it directly to my heart that sheds my moments in life momentarily crushing it with my bare hands.

Those smiles that I always remembered by, those sweet laugh I always hear from them, As I cried greatly as each tear reflect my memory of my parents joyful days, the times I only have, the things I really wished upon, I gave a feeling that they will come back anytime soon.

“They will come back! I am sure of it!” I curled up on the doorstep, while there is no key on the door forcing me upon staying here, as the time moves on it was already night time, the moon shone as the night glimmered through the skies of the evening stars that I always wished upon, the moon covered the clear night sky as a memory of which it gotten from. The memory of the night I experienced.

Shiori’s POV: Past

“Shiori-chan” my father’s voice dimmed closely to the night of full moon that shined brightly on the clear night sky, “Yes!” I replied back with sheer innocence, “Did you know? That each star has a meaning to begin with” my dad said with bright clear eyes full of curiosity,”huh?” I don’t know, Dad!” I even questioned as I gave a curious look.

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