July Egg Contest WINNER

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For the moment you've all been waiting for, THE WINNER OF THE JULY CONTEST!! This was yet another difficult month to choose a winner, I loved all your entries very much!! 💕💕💕
In the tribe of the SEAWINGS, an island will change to winter within time. Waters will CRASH, nature will shatter. The tree of coral ILLUMINATES within the days, hides within the night.
《The winner of my egg contest is.. SQUISHY-PYROLORD ! 🎉
-I picked your entry because your guess was pretty spot on, as well the island WAS underwater! (Tree of coral)
Some other entries had similar answers but I picked yours because you complimented it very well with your your drawing and story, ABSOLUTELY MARVELLOUS!!!
I'll give you a hint about the egg, it is gonna be a pure Seawing 😉

Drawgonites Artwork! (2016)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt