A nightmare come true

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"No Remus you don't understand how big of a deal this is me!"

My cousin is coming from Ilvermorny. Ilvermorny is the name of the North American wizarding school founded by Isolt Sayre. Sure she has the same personality but what if Remus decides he doesn't want me but her instead. NO! What am I talking about this will not happen! A million thoughts zoom through my head then one answer comes through and clears the rest away...

Severus Snape!

He's a renowned legilimen in Slytherin house. He could help me read Remus' thoughts or at least teach me how to be a legilimen. Unless of course, Remus is skilled in occlumency. That would be a problem as nowadays students seem to think that being a legilimen or a parseltongue is the mark of a dark wizard. Too bad I'm a parseltongue and I want to become a highly skilled legilimen. I regret this but I guess Voldemort or Snape are my guys. It's best to go with Snape as I still don't feel safe around that Tom Riddle anymore. I'd rather go point my wand at myself and scream the killing curse out loud so Snape it is.

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