Yellow Submarine

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"Annie? Annie, luv.." Cynthia gently shook Annabelle, and she slowly woke up. Rubbing her eyes, she looked up and smiled at Cynthia.  

"Come on darling. I'm going to give you a bath, okay?" The older woman scooped Annie out of Julian's bed. Quietly so not to wake him.  

When the two girls made it to the bathroom, Cynthia sat Annie on the closed toilet, and tended to the bath water. As soon as it was a perfect temperature, she began to take Annie's clothes off. 

"Are you ready?" Cynthia smiled and lifted the blonde over the tub.  

"1,2,3!" She placed a very giggley Annie into the bathtub.  

"Do you want bubbles, luv?" Cyn held up a bottle of bath bubbles. 

"Oh yes!" Annie clapped at the sight of the bubbles, while Cynthia poured them into the bath water.  

"And a toy? I have a duckie, a boat, a mermaid, and this submarine." Annabelle pointed at the submarine and her eyes got wide.  

"Can I have the submarine?" She reached towards Cynthia's right hand, in which she held the toy submarine. She chuckled and handed it over to the tot.  

"I almost lost ye'! You're so covered in bubbles!" Mrs. Lennon kneeled in front of the tub and began to scrub the little girl clean, while she played happily with her Yellow Submarine, and Splashed in the bubbles.  

As soon as Annie was completely clean, Cynthia pulled her out of the bath quickly, and wrapped a towel around the shivering child. She found a yellow shirt of Julian's and a pair of his shorts that she could wear for now. At least until they went shopping for something else. When Julian had finally woken up, and both of the children were watching cartoons, Cynthia made dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs. She fed the little kids and then got Julian dressed as well. When everyone was dressed and ready to go, they all headed for a local clothing shop. It was a beautiful day out so they decided to walk. With Julian's hand in her right, and Annie's in her left, they made their way towards the shops.  

When they finally arrived, they shopped around for dresses. (Which caused Julian to gain a permanent bored expression on his face, until Cynthia promised to buy him a new toy truck if he behaved.) 

"Ooh Annie! Look at this one! It has polka dots on it!" Cyn called to Annie, holding it up for her to view. Annabelle gasped and ran towards Cyn, holding the dress in front of her and spinning.  

"I can really get this one?" She exclaimed, overly excited and jumping up and down. "It's beautiful! Like a princess dress!" Cynthia guided her to the dressing rooms and she tried it on. It looked nice, so the purchased it. Along with a few more, a couple pairs of stockings, a new pair of Mary Jane shoes, a coat, and some warmer clothing.  

The three of them left the clothing store and stopped for ice cream, before making the trip back to the Lennon home. When the got there, they danced around to Julian's favorite Beatles record 'With The Beatles', until John got home.

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