First Fight/Break Up

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You never fought unless it was training.

"You can't just make me stop hanging out with Four.He's my best friend."
"You're also my girlfriend."
"That doesn't mean you can tell me who I can and can't hang out with."
"Well I can try."you were really upset with how controlling Eric could be.
"Gosh!You can't tell me what to do!" You stomped off.
"You're my girlfriend!"
"I don't have to be, if this is how you're going to act!"you shouted as you kept walking.
"Fine then.Its over!"
"Fine!"It hurt but you wouldn't let him know that.

Two weeks later you were only hanging out with Four and Tris.They were trying to help you get over the break up.You only talked to Eric when you had to, and everyone else could see the tension between you two.
"(Y/n)!" Someone shouted.
You turned because you knew the voice.
"What?"you tried to stay calm.
"I need to talk to you."you followed his motion.You two were in his room a few minutes later.
"I'm sorry.You can hang out with whoever you want.I just want you back.
I love you..."
You smiled.
"Good.I love you too.And I'm glad you changed your mind."
"Come back to me?"
"Yeah."you hugged and shared a kiss.

"You were so flirting with her!"
"No I was not."
"Well then she clearly just giggled for no darn reason."Peter was always flirting with other girls and it made you pretty upset.Especially when you were around when he decided to do it.
"All I said was that she was good looking and a good fighter."
"That's flirting."you replied with a glare.He sighed.
"Am I just not good enough or something?"you asked.
"I never said that."
"Well that's how you make me feel."
"Well I'm sorry you feel that way."
You tried not to cry because it seemed like he didn't even care.
"Bye Peter..." You began walking away.
"Does this mean we're over?" Peter asked.You tried not to scream and cry.
"Yeah Peter.This means we're over."
It had been three days and you've not been talking to Peter.You've been talking to Tris, Christina, Will, and Al.
They were helping you through it.
"He's just stupid,he's stupid to flirt with other girls when he's got a sweet,beautiful,and talented girl like you."Al said.You smiled and blushed.
Tris and Christiana winked and walked away while Will went with the master smirking at you two.
"Thanks...but you and I both know that I'm nothing compared to these other girls."Al draped an arm across your shoulder and all you could think about was Al being Peter,but you knew it wasn't.
"Well I think they're true.I know they are."
"You're right.I was stupid.And they are true.Now get your hands off my girl."
You knew that voice.It was Peters.
Al sighed but walked away.
"Pet-"you didn't even get to finish because Peter yanked you towards him and kissed you.Of course you kissed back.
"I love you.And I was stupid and I am sorry.Please take me back."Peter said as the two of you walked away.
"I love you too."you kissed again.

You never fought,you only got in tiny arguments about if an experiment was right or wrong.

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