What happened?

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(Hazel's perspective)

"What happened?" I asked.

"You were in an accident, your car went out of control and it flipped." A man with dark brown hair and glasses answers with a worried tone.

I was in an accident, how could I not remember? I can't remember anything from the accident no matter how hard I try.

"How long have I been here?" I ask the man.

"About 7 hours, what do you remember Hazel?" He asks me. How does he know my name? Who is he? He isn't wearing a nurse uniform so he doesn't work here. He must be visiting me.

"I don't remember anything. How do you know my name?" I ask him.

He looks me in the eyes, stunned and doesn't say anything, he looks really sad, hurt. I didn't mean to hurt him I just wanted to know how he knew my name.

"Hazel its me Brendon." He says as if that was meant to help.

"I'm sorry I don't know who you are. Why don't you explain yourself maybe I'll remember." I say looking hopefully at him. He is very good looking, he has dark brown hair in a perfect quiff, dark brown eyes that are framed by cute glasses and his voice is so...so dreamy.

"Well where do I start? My names Brendon Urie and my nickname is Beebo. I'm the lead singer of a band called Panic! At the disco. We were actually touring and our last show was tonight or last night now and in the line I saw this girl she was so pretty she had blonde hair with pink ends, dark brown eyes and a really pretty smile. Can I ask you something?" He asks facing me with his perfect face.

"Yeah sure" I reply wondering what his question is.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" He asks which shocks me because it's a bit of a random question.

"Yeah I believe that if you see the right person then you know they are the one. I actually had that but I can't remember who it was I just remember falling in love with them as soon as I saw them. Do you believe in it?" I reply and ask him.

"I believe in it because I did fall in love at first sight with someone it was actually the girl from the line. I asked her to come back after the show and she came with her friends and we partied together almost all night. I don't know where that girl is now it's like she left and never came back even though I know where she is it's just she's different." I feel myself falling into his story and wanting to know more.

"I'm sure that girl hasn't changed as much as you think maybe she hasn't changed at all she could just be going through something but once it's back to normal she will be back to normal." I say trying to lift his mood.

"I guess but I just don't know when she will come back to me." He says while standing up to walk to the door.

"Wait what's this girls name maybe I know her." I ask as he opens the door.

"You definitely know her." How could he know that? How does he know all these things about me and I know little  to nothing about him?

"How do you know that? Is she one of my friends? Is she here now?" I ask.

"Yeah she's here now and you do know her, her names Hazel." He says as he exits the room.

That's my name, I look down at my hands and see the ends of my hair, they're pink and the rest is blonde. Was he talking about me? Is that why he looked so shocked and sad?

I decide to try and get some sleep and try not to think about it too much but I can't stop thinking about what he meant and if he was talking about me. I don't think a man as handsome as him would every even notice a women like me I'm not a model I'm not even pretty.

Just before I doze off two women run in. One has a sling around their arm and the other has a neck cast. I instantly remember who they are, they are my best friends I will never forget them. They hug me and they both have bloodshot eyes I'm guessing from staying awake for so long. We talk for a while and then I decide to ask them about Brendon.

"Do you guys know someone called Brendon Urie?" I ask them.

"Yes of course we know him what are you talking about?" Amelia replies with a slight laugh.

"I don't remember who he is and he was talking about a girl he fell in love with called Hazel and she looks exactly like me." I say.

"Maybe because he is talking about you. He really likes you and I'm sure you will rememeber soon." Maya says that slightly calms me down.

"Wait so a really hot guy who can sing fell in love with me a ugly troll that has no talent?" I say laughing but still shocked.

"Well yes but you aren't a troll that has no talent." Maya answers.

"I basically am a troll I think anyone looks like a troll compared to him." We all laugh at my joke and we continue to talk about Brendon.

I still can't believe he was talking about me.

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