Affection - Part 1

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Special thanks to ambreigns_asylum14 for giving me the storyline/idea for this fanfic! Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading! Short intro, other chapters will be longer. Let me know if you have any ideas for this story, it would be really appreciated.


That's the only word that Dean could process, as he thought about the events of the previous night. How could Seth be so selfish and cruel? Was Dean not good enough for him?

Seth knew about Dean's feelings towards him, but that didn't stop the two toned bastard from smashing a steel chair against his brother's back. Obviously he didn't share Dean's fantasy of love.

The word 'brother' disgusted Dean. Seth was no longer his brother. He didn't deserve that title. Roman was his brother. Roman would never double cross Dean. He was loyal. Dean just wished that Seth could have been loyal too.

But what's done is done. Dean can't mope around over it forever. He's got work to do.

As Dean got into bed, he realized how upset he really was. He was alone. Seth used to cuddle up with him, even though they were never together. It was a comfort kind of thing. But that comfort had left the moment the cold steel connected with Dean's stomach.


AJ watched the TV in shock. How could Seth do something like that? Seth had been a friend of his for a long time, almost ten years, but he had never done anything bad in his life. He was an angel. What had possessed him to betray his brothers?

AJ knew for a fact that he would be having a word with Seth once he joined the company. He was set to debut in a week. Maybe he could talk to Dean and make sure he was okay. He looked rather hurt tonight.

The shock of it all was still in AJ's head. What had the Authority done to Seth Rollins? That guy is stubborn, he wouldn't just turn on his brothers for a small bribe.

There had to be something going on and AJ was going to get to the bottom of it. For Seth, for Roman but mostly, for Dean.

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