Traveled all these miles just to get back home - Part 20

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So, this is it! The last chapter. Thank you so much to everyone who read and supported this story. I couldn't have done it without you. Hope you enjoy!

One week later. 

Everything had settled down over the past week. Dean wasn't bothered by what had happened, he just wanted to eat as much food as he possible could, when he got back to the hotel. He didn't even care that he had just been kidnapped by his boss.

AJ took extra care of his boyfriend, making sure that he was safe every second of every day. He was very protective of Dean, maybe a little too much, but he was just worried and still in a state of shock.

Roman had been in contact with the police and managed to find out that Hunter had been arrested and had to await trail for the verdict. He was charged with kidnapping his employee and for domestic abuse against his partner, Seth.

Speaking of Seth, no one had heard from him since that day. Roman had told AJ that Seth had been taken to hospital, but AJ chose to ignore it. He didn't want to worry Dean and risk the chance of Dean sympathizing with Seth and leaving him to be with his first true love.

It was a cruel thought to think, but AJ's head was all over the place right now. He wasn't going to lose Dean again.

"How did you guys find me?" Dean asked, as he sat on his and AJ's shared hotel bed eating his breakfast, Roman was sat on the sofa opposite. He had been wanting to ask this question for a while, but was scared that it was too soon for AJ.

"Well, Seth told us where you were. He probably planned the whole thing to make himself look like the hero." AJ groaned. He didn't know why he was being so mean to Seth, but a part of him told him that he deserved it after what the younger man had said about him.

"Don't be stupid. Seth's not that crazy." Dean laughed. The whole thing was a joke to him.

"How did he know where you were then?" AJ asked, meaning for it to be a rhetorical question.

"Maybe because Hunter told him?" Dean replied, wanting to put things straight. "I heard them talking about it. The walls are paper thin in that house. Seth asked about me, because he had seen you and Roman looking worried earlier on in the day. Hunter freaked out at him and when Seth tried to open the basement door, Hunter threw him against the wall." 

"It's still weird that Seth wanted to help us out. He hates us." AJ sighed, not wanting to believe Dean's side of the story.

"He's an idiot, but he would never let anybody do something so cruel to another person. That's why he helped you."

"I guess that makes sense. I'm just glad you're okay." AJ smiled, pulling Dean in for a hug.

"C'mon guys, I'm still here. No hugging." Roman joked, a big smile on his face at how cute the couple were.

"Shut up Rome, you're just jealous." Dean smirked. "What happened to Seth anyway? I didn't see him when we left the house."

"He was upstairs distracting Hunter." Roman replied, knowing that AJ wouldn't tell him the truth about the hospital. "He got taken to hospital once the police arrived."

"Why?" Dean asked, concerned. "What happened?"

"Hunter beat him up. I don't know why."

"Hey AJ, do you remember when we got called into Hunter's office for that relationship reveal thing?" Dean asked, a thought occurring in his mind.

"Yeah, what about it?" AJ questioned, wondering why Dean was going back to that.

"Seth looked like he had been crying and his cheek was red. Do you think Hunter's been hurting him?"

"I don't know, but that's none of our business. Hunter's locked away now so Seth is safe. Don't worry about it." AJ replied, wanting to get this conversation over with. He was fed up of talking about Seth.

"Yeah, you're right. He's safe now." Dean sighed, relieved.

"What should we do today?" AJ asked, looking over to Dean. Dean had been given two weeks off from work as an apology for Hunter's actions, along with a pay rise.

"Well, I've got work so you guys are on your own." Roman said, laughing and groaning at the same time. He wanted to have a day off.

"Yeah, I now that." AJ laughed back. "You poor thing."

"I don't care what we do. I'm happy to stay in all day." Dean shrugged, not bothered about what happened.

AJ's head had gotten better over the past week. His concussion wasn't as bad as it was, but he still had a week and a half to kill before going back to work.

"How about we stay in all day and then go out tonight? We could go star gazing." AJ joked, pretending to be all lovely dovey. The thought of all that romantic stuff made him nauseous. 

"Okay, let's do that." Dean grinned, knowing AJ hated the idea.

"Oh, um okay if you want." AJ was speechless, why did he suggest that?

"Well you two love birds, I'd love to stay but I have to go to work now. Behave yourselves." Roman sighed, getting up from the sofa.

"Don't worry Ro, we won't do anything bad." Dean replied. "I'll see you later, have a good time at work."

"Thanks man. See you later guys." Roman waved, exiting the room.


The day went by quickly. Dean and AJ spent the whole day lying in bed, cuddling and watching movies. It was their usual thing to do when they were off work. They ordered room service for lunch and ended up having a heated discussion about who was a better wrestler out of the two of them. Dean won, since AJ was too lazy to argue.

It was now late at night and the two men were lying next to one another on the grass of a rather tall hill. The hill over looked the city, giving the men a lovely view. The stars were particularly bright that night.

"Where do you see yourself in ten years Dean?" AJ asked, feeling relaxed as he looked up at the stars.

"I see myself right here, lying next to you." Dean replied, feeling just as calm as AJ. "What about you?"

"The same thing really. But maybe by then we could have our own house, and get married. I wanna main event WrestleMania as well." AJ smiled.

"Well, I'm gonna main event it with you." Dean smirked. "You're not living my dream without me."

"Don't worry, I would never do that." AJ replied, loving the moment they were creating.

"Good." Dean sighed, in a relaxed way. "I love you."

"I love you too." AJ said, resting his head on Dean's chest. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Me too, it's gonna be great. I'm gonna drive you crazy." Dean laughed, light heatedly.

"Yeah you are, but I'll love every second of it." AJ smiled, giving Dean a kiss on the cheek.

"Y'know, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect person." Dean said, holding AJ tighter. "I'm so lucky to have you."

"The same goes for you. God must be thanking me for all the times I attended church instead of going to training." AJ laughed, thinking back to his younger days. "You mean everything to me. I love you so much."

"I love you too, more than anything in the world. Nothing will ever ruin us." Dean whispered, looking at AJ.

"I'll always be yours." AJ replied.

The two men shared a small kiss, before looking back up at the stars.

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