Jackson Square

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There we were back in Jackson Square
Just like last year, where we giggled
And snuck kisses
Behind the backs of the elders
And just for a night
As I looked in your eyes
I felt as though nothing had changed
And I wish we had stayed the same
But you have her now and I have him
And we could never be together again
And you told me that we could've been happy
If I wouldn't have left
But you were the one who cheated
So why do I feel so awful
Why am I tiptoeing around trying not to hurt you?
Why can't I just cut you out of my life again?
Because I know I still love you but I'm forcing myself not to acknowledge it
But under the stars thinking that I'd rather be looking at your eyes
As our bodies got closer and our hands intertwined
I looked into the oceans of your eyes
And wanted nothing more than to feel your lips on mine
But then realized that I can't love you like I used to
Because you are a chain smoker and I am just another pack of cigarettes

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