Chapter Nine: Because of You

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Careless Wonder

Chapter Nine: Because of You

She was bored. No, more than bored. She was extremely irritated and fed up. If Yamamoto didn't kill her she knew she would die from her boredom.

They placed her under confinement, they did a good job of it, too. They locked her up in some jail cell with no bed… nothing. The cell she was in was bare and all she could do was lie on the ground, her arms and legs sprawled and her eyebrow twitching with utter annoyance.

How long had it been now? Three hours? Four? She didn't know. If felt like an eternity to her. She wasn't use to lying around and doing nothing. Even when she was alone she had something to do…

Footsteps echoed throughout the jail cell, walking down the hall presumably toward her confinement. She continued to lie on the ground with her hands behind her head and her left foot crossed over her raised knee. When the footsteps stopped in front of her cell she continued to lie there with her eyes closed, not acknowledging the presence.

"You've been summoned," a deep, almost uncaring, emotionless voice called out and getting her attention immediately.

She opened her eyes and looked over at the soul reaper who was sent to retrieve her. He was a captain, the white haori a dead, and obvious giveaway. He had long black hair and these weird, almost looked like a silver barrettes, in his hair. His expression was no different from how he addressed her. She pushed her body up until she was standing on her feet and facing the captain.

"Let's get this over with," she sighed and walked forward when he opened her jail cell. When he closed it she glanced around her, her face showing her surprise. "You're the only one to retrieve me? Thought there would be more of you just in case I tried to bolt or something."

He turned back toward her, his face never wavering from his non-caring, almost arrogant expression. "I didn't deem it necessary to waste the time of others to retrieve you when I'm more than capable of handling you myself." He turned forward toward the exit and began walking. "Come. We don't want to keep everyone waiting."

She glared at the back of his head but followed after him. He was arrogant. "I highly doubt that." She was arrogant, too. She scratched her now bare arms with irritation, she tore the sleeves off a while back. She hated sleeves.

He turned his head to glance at her before turning forward and opening the door to the outside world. He stood to the side for her to walk through, she did so without looking at him. When she heard the door slide closed, she began to speak without turning to face him. "What's your opinion about me and this matter?" She shoved her hands into her pockets waiting for him to speak.

He walked passed her not waiting to see if she was following or not. "I don't have an opinion about your predicament nor do I care. The truth will come forward with or without your cooperation." He suddenly stopped almost causing Aria to run into him. "But Ichigo Kurosaki sees you as a friend."

When he didn't elaborate any further she opened her mouth to say something but he began to speak again, almost like he already knew what she was going to ask. "Ichigo Kurosaki has earned my respect through his past actions. With that said, his opinion greatly reflects of what I think."

He continued walking and she followed close behind. She thought about what he said and it troubled her. Ichigo seemed popular with all the soul reapers there. He had a lot of respect and it showed greatly with everyone around him.

They continued walking with silence until they came up to a building with closed doors, (where the captains meet). He opened them and turned to let her walk in first. She would have thought it to be gentlemen like, but she knew he was doing it for other reason.

Careless Wonder (Ichigo Kurosaki; Bleach Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now