Chapter 1 ~ A Hunter's Cry.

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Heyyo! Thank you for all the wonderful comments and votes on the intro in the last page we are truly greatful,honestly thank you all so much! Anyway this chapter is dedicated to claudieeeee (feel free to slap us if we spelt that wrong were on a skittle rush so our brain is mushy from the rainbowness) for being our first ever voter.

Song of the chapter is Almost Easy By Avenged Sevenfold,check it out if you havent already you might regret not checking it out :P

<---- Vote if you like Sour Patch Kids.


You actually came,i figured my warning would've scared you already;obviously not.

But since you trust me enough to click the button i may as well show you what you been searching...


Chapter intro:

A dark past,that one thing you never want to remember yet it still stays fresh in your mind no matter what.A dark past is like an unwanted shadow,following your every move,tattooing it's fresh ink into your soul.A dark past is something everyone has;and all dark past's have its own moon,were on the light side it want's it's victim/witness to show off too,and one dark side in which it show's to no body.



"Im sorry!" A small 7 year old boy pleaded,his amber eye's drowned in a pool of fear towards his mother.

"Yeah,well sorry won't close the wound now will it? Sorry does not turn back time,now most of all sorry does not bring him back now does it? But then again i'm sorry you had too see what you saw." His mother's blue eye's unlike her son's amber ones were filled with smugness and pleasure of her crime.

Her son,Cole disgusted by his mother's actions towards what she just committed but whisked it away when her eye's glowed a mixture of hatred,anger and something unknown.

"Cole,honey." Sickly sweet word's slipped out of his mother's mouth,her brown hair was hung messily around her shoulders and a wicked smile drew on her smooth pink plump lips; though Cole's mother only speciality was her outer appearence he was not blinded by his mother's beauty instead it was her inside that made him sick to his poor 7 year old stomach."You know you can't tell anyone about his right?"

"Why not? Mother you told me i should always be honest no matter what." Cole's small frame started shake,when he noticed a raging look begining to boil beneath his mother's sickly smile.Noticing her son;Cole slowly back to the wall his mother Elizabeth forced a warm,motherly smile to her face before reaching out a bloodied hand toward's her son's already blood stained pajama's.

"Because Cole,if people found out then big mean nasty men will come and take you away from me and into the hand's of a family who do not seek love but hate you for invading their own home,next thing you know your getting beaten for the smallest things.Do you want that Cole?"

"No i dont want that mother."

"Good because if you dont tell anyone about this then i will never ever let that happen and once your 15 as long as you are in this house your free.Deal?"


"Flashback over!"

I hated my mother,I know mainly every teenager says that but i mean what i say;i hate my mother  with a burning passion why? Because my very own mother decided she all off a sudden hated the guy she had been with for 26 years and stabbed him severely in the heart 87 times right infront of her only child;me who was 7 at the time,the very scene turned my blood cold,from a nice tannish face to a deathly pale permanent colour and white wrist's into scarlett patterened lined wrist's.

The very reason why my voice decided to take a break for 9 years.


Hope you liked it! Pic is of Cole we gave him amberish colour eyes.

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