There are many different types of witchcraft, usually based on the culture where that form of magick originated. The fundamentals are the same but the style of spells and history of the practice will change from one type to the next.
This section is still under construction, but more is coming soon on:
African witchcraft
Scottish witchcraft
Irish witchcraft
Egyptian witchcraft
Celtic witchcraft (Druid spells) American witchcraft Christian witchcraftNot all types of witchcraft are based on other time periods, nationalities or cultures. Christian witchcraft is a good example of a different path not based on a traditional form of witchcraft.
And of course, you can't forget the age-old either.
If you're wondering why there is no mention of Wicca here, that's because Wicca and Witchcraft are two very different practices even though they do overlap in many places.
African Witchcraft
African witchcraft is not easy to define when you consider there are more than 50 different nations currently making up the diverse population of the continent. Not to mention the thousands of years of history on top of that. Basically, its not really one single topic.
Many traditional African belief systems included different types of witchcraft and shamanism, but the influx of Christian missionaries have wiped out countless indigenous religions. Admittedly, some traditional beliefs considered witches to be evil in the first place but the addition of Christianity has added more negative associations even where there were none originally.
People are still burned for practicing witchcraft in some countries, not because of official law but rather by cultural practice. Aside from these issues, there are two forms of magickal practice that people associate with African witchcraft: Santeria and Vodou.
SanteriaMost people associate Santeria with the Caribbean, which is accurate but it does also have deep roots in Western Africa. It is a blending of the original Yoruba religion from Africa, with many aspects of Roman Catholicism. This combination of beliefs arose from the slave trade, where Africans were taken to the various Caribbean islands to work. They adapted many Catholic beliefs, particularly the host of saints and created a unique religion that is still practiced there today.
In Santeria, there is a great Creator Deity but it is the Orishas that are directly worshiped. The Orishas are comparable to the Catholic saints, and they often have similar traits and characteristics. For example, Elegba and St. Anthony are closely connected as patrons over roads, transportation and gateways.
Though the saints are similar, the practices are very different from Catholicism. Santeria rituals often involve animal sacrifice along with vibrant dancing and drums. Offerings of food and alcohol are commonly associated with most Orisha.
Though many people call it Voodoo, the more accurate name is Vodun or Vodou. It's a religion similar to Santeria as a mixture of Christian and African beliefs but it has gotten a lot more negative exposure from TV and movies. Vodou came from African with slaves and is primarily practiced in Haiti as well as some African nations.
The truth about Wicca
SpiritualWhat is Wicca? The devil? No! Is it evil? No! Find the truth about Wicca and discover the lies of Wicca told to you.