Kairi Tsukinami

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Sup my little cookies~ I am going to try and do an okay story this time, sorry if it turns out crappy but eh, at least I tried.. -_-"" Anyway! Enjoyyyyyy~

Name: Kairi Tsukinami

Age: 16

Blood type: O+

Species: Half Wolf, half demon

Hair colour: Brown (Can change black when angry)

Eye colour: Brown/Gold

Family: Shin and Carla Tsukinami

Appearance: Kairi often wears a black skater dress with gothic netting tights and a pair of black combat boots. Her dark hair is thigh length and has it up in a pony tail so it looks around waist length. She keeps daggers hidden under her skater dress which is attached by a strap.

Personality: Kairi is goofy and fun with her brothers but around most others she is cold, collected and likes to keep herself to herself, she tends to his her emotions from everybody. She is quite short tempered and would do anything to protect her loved ones.

Okay, that's all folks! (Does anyone know what reference that's from? XD) I'll be updating soon, as it's 2 in the morning and I'm super bored but anyway by my lil cookies! Peace outttttt~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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