10-Bruises, Bones, and Lies

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Wolf's PoV
I spotted Ghost in the mob and tried to make my way towards him, floundering through the sea of irritated IceWings. "Ghost!" I shouted at him. "Hey! Ghost!"

I knew he heard me because an ear twitched back, but without a glance backwards he dove into the crowd. He quickly disappeared from my view.

I cussed quietly before I attempted to follow him, but to no avail. For a hybrid who sticks out like a pink polar bear in the desert, it sure is hard to see him in a mass of IceWings. I shrugged it off and turned around to head to roll call.

I was shoved roughly from the side by a massive shoulder slamming into me. I staggered, but on my other side there was another dragon who pushed me back without hesitation.

I stumbled and fell to the ground, rolling onto my side. I winced, knowing that my shoulder was bruised. I didn't have to open my eyes to know that the cruel quartet stood above me, grinning evilly.

"Hey Foxy," sneered Narwhal, a scowl on her snout. I remained silent, hoping I wouldn't get beat up too bad. It was never as bad as Ghost, but I'd always have plenty of bruises and a cut or two.

"She said hello to you!" snapped Ox as he kicked me. "Show some respect to your superiors!"

I blinked, before managing to groan out, "'Ello." Kodiak leaned down to me, eyes narrowed.

"What was that?" he growled, eyes dark. "Go to hell?"

I gulped. That definitely wasn't what I had said, but if I tried denying it, it would seem as if I had said that. So I merely looked down, away from him.

"You told us to go to hell?!" roared Wolverine, eyes flashing with anger. "I'll give you hell!"

He leapt on me, talons digging in, glaring furiously down at me. I yelped in pain, letting him know that it hurt, but since when do they care if I'm hurt or not? The only thing that they care about is that I'm bruised and bleeding when they're done with me.

The others stood back, perfectly content to watch Wolverine beat me to a pulp. They wouldn't lift a claw to help me, they'd only assist him in hurting me.

Wolverine raked his talons down my side, causing me to hiss in pain, arching my back. That was a bad idea, because he promptly attacked my underbelly, leaving an ugly gash and multiple bruises.

Finally he finished, stepping back and shaking my blood off his claws. Ox slaps him on the back, congratulating him on what a great job he did as he scans me over, taking note of all my dark bluish-red blood and purpley-blue bruises.

Kodiak nodded approvingly, but not before giving me one last bruise; he fisted his hefty paw and slammed it into my snout, driving it into the ice.

Narwhal smirked, giving me a few lashes with her tail to remember her by. She needn't have worried, I don't think I could forget her harsh brutality for as long as I live.

"C'mon guys," Narwhal announces. "He's done for today." Ox and Kodiak turn on on their heels to leave, but Wolverine leans down and whispers menacingly, "But we'll be back tomorrow."

I have no doubt that they will. After all, it is their little tradition to smash me into the ice every day, week after week.

I lifted my head, struggling to get up, and as I did, I noticed something. Or rather, someone. A pair of mismatched eyes--one a golden-yellow, the other icy blue--stared back at me, before disappearing.

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