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As soon as I heard the news about Carmen's death, I hardly felt a thing.

I knew her and all, but she treated me like I was a noting. I was always an outsider at school, at home, in general. Parents arguing and bringing my not important opinion into things. Then I would get in trouble for their very own argument. My older brother calls me gay. Life was always funny, in a not-so-funny-way. But i had my friends, my good times. And that meant way more than the shitty times at school and home.

But the thing is I never knew what kind of person Carmen was. One second she's the nicest person in the world to me. She compliments me, does me favors... but as soon as someone else was around, that was the end. With her friends, she treated me like i was some poor homeless kid, and always acted sad for me. She even tries to give me money! I got into this school with my parents money, living in this rich neighborhood. So im not poor or homeless.

But hey! Im a funny guy, living in this crappy world full of excuses from jerks who don't care! Honestly, if I keep this journey in life going, the world may not be as bullshitty as I think.

But right now, i don't really care.

I got a letter in the mail, something other than my nerdy friends either playing a joke on me, or inviting me to play video games. I usually had a laugh. Then i would go to Woody's house with the other two boogers I'm friends with to play video games. My life sure is interesting... isn't it?

The letter was an invitation to Carmen's funeral. At the time, I thought it was Frank pulling my leg. I phoned him but he was completely clueless. I shrugged it off and called up Woody and Clair to ask them. Claire said she got one too, and was about to go yell at Woody. But afterwards when i called Woody, he was just the same as Frank.


Clair actually knew Carmen pretty well, but Carmen usually treated Clair like a slave. They used to live next to each other when they were both about 7 years old. "When we would play dress-up, which i never actually agreed to," Claire told me once, "I would be "Cinderella" in her rags, but then i wouldn't have a happy ending." I laughed silently in my head.



My mind does not comprehend those types of things.

But anyways...

Clair told me about how the whole house worked, since supposedly Tony told Carmen, and Carmen told Claire. I'm glad i had someone to trust. Or at least tell me how to get to Tony. But for some reason, no one bothered to tell me Tony was in Juvie. That would have been an EXTREMELY helpful piece of advice.

I walked up to the giant wall, a big black wall. I turned on my flashlight and threw up a little. Seriously? Pink? Why? I pulled myself together, and looked around for a tile. I was supposed to do something to this tile, but I'm so stupid and forgot. So i fiddled with it untill it did something and it opened, expecting me to climb in. I went in head first, but it didn't work. I was stuck there for a moment when i finally got out, and attempted it again. This time, feet first. It worked, which was no surprise to me. I'm just stupid.

The wall was hollow. I walked around inside, amazed. My little brain could barely contain the awesomeness that I was standing in. I found a ladder leading all the way to the top (duh! it's a ladder!) and started to climb. As i reached the top, i pushed on a trapdoor until it busted open! I was so surprised that i fell off the ladder all the way to the bottom, and landed on my back. It hurt. A lot.

I got back up, cracked my back and started to climb, once again. I was hoping the trap door had stayed open, but with my luck, of course it wasn't. I pushed again, and it opened much easier the second time. I hopped up to the top and over.

I had to stay low hoping no one could see me if they were looking out a window or something. I made my way to a clothes line, and got stuck. I wasn't paying much attention to what was in front of me, but to what might have been behind me. I got out a few seconds later, after having gotten scared by the clothes line when i got suck. I ran over to the shed. Yes, THE shed. not A shed, THE shed. Only one special one. The other ones are crap and I don't care for them.

I reached for the door, but it was locked. I brought a needle, safety pin, and a couple of my mom's bobby pins just in case of something like this happening. Then when it hit me.

No, literally. I was hit and a not-so-happy-place. I fell to the ground in pain, My eyes were shut tightly, grabbing in a very uncomfortable place. All i heard was laughing, and my own self moaning because of the incident. Then the laughing stopped.

Did i die? Was I in heaven for a split second? Well, i didn't die apparently and i wasn't in heaven, the laughing just stopped and it was really quiet.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Alex Reede?" i heard a very familiar voice say. I opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the darkness when i saw her face.

"Lucy," I said in a very monotone type voice. "Why the balls man?" It was still silent, but that gave me time to rest my balls. They weren't to happy about the incident either.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"To be honest with you, i have no fucking idea. I was hoping to go find Tony, but you apparently had other plans," I said in a very annoyed voice, taking my hand off my pants to see bright yellow paint on my hand.

"Tony?" She looked over and at the ground, dramatically.

"Dramatic bitch," I said under my voice. She looked at me sternly squinting her eyes. "You heard that? Well, isn't that AMAZING! I don't care! YOLO!" I practically screamed, flailing my arms around like a total, too happy maniac.

"He is not here," she put her paint gun down, and helped me up. "He is in Juvie right now." Then she turned to me abruptly with wide eyes and a cheesy smile. " But I'd LOVE to take a message!"

I rolled my eyes and said "Listen here Tony, I was told you did something, I'm not sure what, but it would have to be bad if you're in fucking Juvie right now. I'm either gonna get you out and beat your ass, or you can stay in there, and I can some how get into Juvie, then I can beat your ass!" I stared Lucky right in the eyes, picked up my flashlight and started to walk back over to the wall to look for another tile.

"Make sure you tell him exactly that, or ill beat you up too Lucy!" I yelled back, still walking. I quickly found a tile and disappeared into the wall.

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