1D? and Authors Note

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So today is the 6 year anniversary of 1D or One Directions birthday and I feel like a proud mom. Let me just tell you what a ride it's been. We have watched the boys and ourselves grow up in that 6 year. I'm proud to say 1D is my favorite band (next to 5sos of course) we had are ups and our downs but that only makes us strong as a fandom.

Now, when they became a band I was only 8 and ( I had know I know what the X Factor was) I would have had know idea who they where until the following year but look where I am today. I'm so glad they the boys even though about going on the X Factor and for Simon because he saw potential in them as a band and thought that they could go far.

Even though I have never meet nor see them live ( along with millions of other girls) I've still stuck by these boys. My parents just thought this would be a phase in my life and honestly I did too but each day I fell more and more in love with them, their music and they became an important part in my life and they still are to this day.

They make me happy when I'm sad or lonely and can cheer up my day when I hear them on the radio. They made me feel important in this world. I have met some of my best friends through this band and I'm so great full for that. Thanks for 6 years of memories. I love these boys so so much. #6yearsof1D

I'm and so sorry for not updating in like 10 years ( I'm over exaggerating) I just had writers block. Many thing have happened 1 I'm a high school student now. 2. I got a new phone (so now my phone doesn't freeze and loose all my info I wrote).

I am going to camp July 24-29 and then I leave for Minnesota for SLFl (if you going to SLFL on July 31st hit me up 😛)so I won't be on until after August 1. I'll try to update as much as I can before school starts.

Also I was think what if I made the chapters a little bit shorter. I feel like I'd update a lot more than I am now. I love you all so so much.

Chloe 👼🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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