Perfect Weapon

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So... I wrote this story quite a while ago, which is why I'm posting it before updating my others. 'Cuz all I have to do is press copy and paste. Anyway, hope y'all like it. And yes, I named this chapter after a BOTDF song.


Chapter 1: "I <3 Hello Kitty"

Okay, I’m assuming you wanna know a bit about me before I start with my story... Well, my name is Jasmine, and I go by Jas. I’m 18, just outta  high school, with a job as a professional photographer. I have hot pink hair that's naturally wavy, the right side of my nose is pierced, and my cartilage and ear lobes are each pierced twice. I’m about 5 foot 5 and 116 pounds. So yeah, skinny but curvy. I wear contacts, and my eyes are chocolate-caramel brown.

I moved out of my parents house when I was still in school (my birthday is December 16th), and I have a baby sister, a little brother, and an older half brother. I also just got a puppy!! Her name is Sofie, and she’s a little Siberian Husky with pretty blue eyes.

My favourite band in the world is Black Veil Brides, and I’ve worked with them a lot for photo shoots. I have to admit that I have a bit of a thing for Ashley... He’s, well, he’s quite attractive, and he can be really sweet. It’s just that most of the time, he’s super pervy and too “I know you want me” to EVERYONE. So in return, I’m kinda mean to him. It also helps that he does that to me while I’m trying to work, so I get frustrated. But I seriously like him... A lot...... Anyway, I said I was gonna tell you my story. So here it is!

My alarm went off at 8 in the morning, blasting "Candyland" by Blood On The Dance Floor. I turned it off and buried my face in my pillow. I was SO NOT ready to be up. But only a few minutes later, my phone started buzzing. I answered it, “Hello?” I sounded half dead.

“Hey, I was just making sure we’re still on for 10 o’clock...”

“Oh, of course!” I still sounded tired, but that I at least remembered about the photo shoot for Black Veil Brides.

“Okay, well good. Thanks for doing this all the time, Jas.”

“Andy, I’ve said before, it’s no problem. You guys are my favourite boys in my life,” I chuckled.

“Well that’s awesome! I know you’re one of our favourite girls,” I could hear the smile on Andy’s lips through his voice. “You sound tired, though. How late were you up?”

“Hehe I was up till probably 3. I had all sorts of shit to do.”

“Like watch Lord of the Rings or The Princess Bride?”

“...... NO!....... Maybe... Yes...” I was defeated. Andy knew me too well. I guess that’s what happens when I’ve been best friends with him since I was born. I forgot to mention that, didn’t I? Oh well. Now you know. I’ve been best friends with Andy all my life.

“So basically you’re sleep deprived and need another hour?”


“Okay,” Andy laughed.

“Call me back in an hour to wake me up, Babes.” Yes, I sometimes called him Babes. I never meant anything by it, though.

“Haha, okay Baby Sis. Goodnight.”

“Night night...” we both hung up, and I fell back asleep.

At probably around 9, I awoke to a weird noise. I ignored it and turned onto my other side to sleep. Then I heard my bedroom door open. I threw an extra pillow at the door and heard someone say ow. I just ignored whoever the hell he was and tried to sleep.

The guy came over to my bed and poked me. I swatted at him, and he sat on my feet, “Get off!!!!!” I whined.

“No such luck,” he was evil. I hated him now. Especially when 4 other people sat on my bed. “GET OFF!!!!! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!” The main guy laid down on top of me, “Aww come on, Baby Sis... We’re just waking you up...”

“I thought I told you to CALL. Not to attack me,” I was not happy. I wasn’t even fully dressed! I mean, I was wearing super short shorts and a silk tank-top -- WITHOUT a bra. “Guys, out. I’m not even dressed.”

Ash wolf-whistled, “I guess I’m stayin’!"

I snarled, “You ESPECIALLY. OUT!!! Let me get dressed, guys!” I heard lots of muttered “fines”, and they left my room.

I got out of bed and put on my short black and white plaid miniskirt. Then I put on my knee-high black Converses, my red and black lace bra, and my silk lavender short-sleeved dress shirt. Then I teased my hair, and put on my black eyeliner, mascara, and sparkly black eyeshadow. When I walked past my bed, I saw my Hello Kitty hat. I decided to wear it, and I grabbed my camera and other film stuff.

When I went to go to my living room, the guys were all sitting on the floor outside my room. “Seriously, guys?”

“Yeah!!” They all said in unison. I rolled my eyes and started walking to the front door. “You aren’t driving. You can’t even walk straight!” Andy was so protective. Damn that 2 year difference. Haha, nah, it was nice, though. “You’re hungover, aren’t you?”

“No. I went to a restaurant last night and ordered virgin drinks. You know I don’t drink. It makes me sick to my stomach.”

Ash looked at me, concerned, “I don’t think they were telling the truth when they made the drinks...”

“Why would they lie, Ash?”

“Because guys are cruel, sick bastards.”

“You guys aren’t...”

“Most other guys are,” Andy backed him up.

“Fine. Maybe they decided to fuck me over. And yes, I’m very tired...” I tripped over nothing, and Ash caught me, “Dude, you’re gonna die.”

“Am not!” Ashley picked me up and carried me bridal style none the less. I played with his star necklace the whole time.

We all got in Andy’s car, and Ash set me on his lap in the passenger seat. I curled up, resting my head against his chest, and breathing in his cologne. He smelled really good... And I eventually fell asleep in his arms.

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