Chapter 2

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Y/n Pov

I walked out of class in a hurry. Lauren was ahead of me and I didn't want to lose her. I looked around the hallway confused as to where she could have gone.

"So are you single?" I heard Brad the school douche chatting it up with some girl.

"Um yeah." I hear a her voice and I sigh in relief but also distress because getting her away from Brad wouldn't be an easy task.

"So you think maybe sometime we cou-" Brad started but I quickly interrupted.

"There you are." I say as I put my hand on the locker behind Lauren. I turn to Brad "Simpson" I say bluntly.

"L/n." He says back "She your friend?" He asked looking at Lauren up and down.

"Yes she is." I respond simply.

"Well I'm a bit shy and I was wondering if you could ask your friend Lauren out for me." He said.

I rolled my eyes but Lauren blushed a bit. "Sure. Hey Lauren want to go out with a douche bag?" Lauren gave me a confused look. "Look like its a no, better luck next time Simpson." I grabbed Lauren's hand and pulled her away to the cafeteria.

"What was that about?" Lauren asked.

I scoffed "You don't want to go out with that guy."

I bought some food for the both of us quickly and made my way over to a table. "Incorrect, you don't want me to go out with that guy." Lauren said. I pushed the tray of food towards her trying to cut this conversation off. She raised her eyebrow. "Why don't you want me to?" She asked.

"He's a horrible guy Lauren." I told her.

She shrugged her shoulders "I thought he was charming." She said and mentally I gaged.

"Sup dawg." Dinah said as she and Shawn sat down with us.

"I know you." Lauren said and I looked at Dinah but she just shrugged her shoulders. "Are you a mecha!" Lauren said a bit loud.

Dinah laughed "You saw my mecha version!" She said. "My dad made it as a display for his work. But how did you see that?" She asked.

"Lauren's into that stuff but anyways you cannot believe who Lauren thinks is charming." I said to her.

Dinah clapped "Finally someone to talk about boys with." She said excitedly.

"You had Camila before, wouldn't you guys talk about them at your sleep overs?" I asked.

"Are you kidding! Camila didn't like anyone before high school. Then the first crush she has becomes her boyfriend for years." She said and pointed at me. "I was so ready for Camila to start talking about guys and you took that away from me!" She said playful scolding me. "Anyways who's the guy!"

"Brad Simpson." Lauren said with a smile. Shawn choked on his sandwich a little and Dinah gaged. "What's wrong with him?" Lauren asked once again confused.

"He's the worst of the worst." Shawn said.

"And whose the best?" Lauren asked.

"Taken by sleeping beauty." Shawn pointed to me.

"What makes him the best?" Lauren asked.

"Two things, one, his face and body. I mean Y/n is fine as hell. Two, he's got an amazing personality, athletic, smart, funny...he's the whole package and he's got a big package." Dinah says and my eyes widen.

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