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"(Name) get up you're going to be late for school" your big brother yelled.

You looked at the clock and it was 8:30

You put on a pair of of leggings and a net shirt with a purple coat

"Brother I'm off to school"

He tossed you a apple

And you ate it on the way to the academy

You found your teacher and walked in

"You must be our new student, (name)"

"Hmm where can you sit"

"Naruto, no he's too loud she would get distracted"

"Ino, no she would start talking to (name)"

"Either Sasuke or shikamaru"

"Let's sit her with shikamaru"

"(Name you can sit next to shikamaru"

"Shikamaru raise your hand"

You went and sat next to him

He put his head down and he started sleeping

"Sakura do you like that new girl" a girl with blonde hair whispered

You instantly heard

"No she's pretty and she has a perfect body" Sakura whispered as she looked at you

You chuckled a bit

It was time for lunch

They guy who you sat next to in class

Came up to you and introduced himself

"Hey I'm shikamaru"

"Nice to meet you shikamaru, I'm (name)"

He smiled at you and them he walked away

He seemed nice and cute

You realized you said he was cute

And blushed out of no where

You didn't really know anyone

So you sat alone

Until a girl sat with you

"H-hi I'm Hinata"

"Hey Hinata I'm (name)"

"Ino and Sakura are throwing a party wanna come"

"Oh uh if it's okay with them I guess I'll go"

"I have a question is shikamaru going"

"Yeah he's going, why do you like him?"

"No it's just well I uh just asking heh"

She smiled at you and you guys ate your lunch together

Everyone went back to class

"Hey (name) Sakura and I are throwing a party want to come"

"Sure I guess I'll go"

Shikamaru looked at you and smiled

"Okay good the party is on Friday after school just come straight to ino's house"

You nodded yes

School ended and you started walking home

"Hey (name) wait up"

You turned back and saw shikamaru

"Wanna go watch the clouds with me"


"Okay cool follow me"

You guys layed down on the grass and watched the clouds

His hand accidentally touched yours

You blushed a bit

He pulled his hand away and his face turned red a bit

"Shikamaru I have to go home now,I'll see you tomorrow at school"

You gave him a hug and left

He smiled as he watched you leave

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