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Name pov

I woke up and it was 10:15

I went to go take a quick shower

I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom

Skinny jeans with a black crop top

As soon I got out of the shower I went and blow dried my hair

To iron it

Then I went downstairs to eat breakfast

"Morning brother"

" morning (name)"

"Hey (name) you never told me your boyfriends name"

I smiled when he said that

"His name is shikamaru"

"Well hurry up and eat breakfast its 11:45"

I ate my breakfast it was quite delicious

The door bell ran

"I got it" my brother yelled

"Hey you must be shikamaru"

"Uh yeah is (name) home?"

"Yes yes she is come on in"

I went to go see and it was shikamaru

His eyes widened

"Wow you look great to just go to the park"

I blushed a bit

"Shikamaru meet my older brother (b/n)"

"Nice to meet you shikamaru"

"Nice to meet you too"

"Take care of my younger sister"

" I will"

Shikamaru and I left and went to the park

Shikamaru held my hand

We were walking through the park

He was so amazing

I love everything about him

We were walking until

I saw kiba

He was sitting on a bench

He seemed sad

I knew he loved me

But I'm with shikamaru

And I'm happy

I noticed kiba started walking towards us

" I think we should go" shikamaru said

Kiba was already here

He looked into my eyes

"You are not worthy of being with her"

His voice

It sounded like he was about to cry

He then left

"(Name) lets go back to my place we will watch a movie"

"Uh yeah that seems like a good idea"

We went back to his place

I met his mom and dad

They seemed so nice

They treated me great

"Mom were gonna watch a movie in my room"

"Okay I'll bring you drinks if you want"

Shikamaru and I went to his room

"Shikamaru do you have a shirt I can wear, my clothes seem uncomfortable for a movie"

"Yeah sure"

He passed me a dark blue shirt

I put it on and I layed on his bed

He went to the bathroom

He put on a pair of sweatpants and a net shirt

We decided to watch a horror movie

I layed next to him

He put his arms around me

His mom walked in

"Aren't you guys the cutest"

She left the drinks near a table

"Mom" shikamaru said in annoyed tone

"Oh I'm sorry I'll be leaving know" she giggled

I laughed a bit

Shikamaru smiled

We continued to watch the movie



"You know I love you right"

I whispered in his ear

"I want you to prove it to me"

He smirked

He leaned in to kiss me

I kissed him back

He grabbed my waist and pulled it close to him

Shikamaru was on top of me

He kissed me passionately

He took of my shirt

"I love you"
"I can tell"

He smiled at me

I love you too shikamaru

Shikamaru x reader Where stories live. Discover now