There is a district in the south of the town owned by a group of YouTubers. They are the posh ones of the town and think that, because they're an alliance, no one can overthrow them. They are the Yogscast.
That's what Pewdiepie hated about them. That they think they can't be overthrown even though they're not the leaders of this town. Even though Pewdiepie liked everyone in the town, he had a small hatred towards those guys. He used to like Hat Films and hang out with them a lot, but ever since they moved into the district, he's been disgusted in them. What happened in there, however, was unknown to people outside the district.
Luckily, because I am the author, I can let you have a tour. Knock yourself out!
The Yogscast District was surrounded by a large wooden wall and a massive looming gate. This is what the Yogscast wanted from their part of town. Their love of World of Warcraft had influenced most of the look. It was basically a kingdom. A large castle peaked high and inside were King Xephos and Queen Lomadia on their high thrones. They felt they were in power. They thought, because they had a large castle and their own royal district, they were monarchs. The only person from the Yogscast who wasn't fond of living there was Rythian.
Rythian was Swedish but moved to UK to work with the Yogscast. He didn't like the King and Queen's arrogance and lived uptown near Pewds' house. He didn't work. He would stay at home and just make videos all day. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes he thought if he was living there, he would have more of an exciting life, but he stuck to his work. Sometimes Pewdiepie would call round and talk to him, have a nice cup of tea and play some World Of Warcraft. Rythian was the most friendly to Pewds, mostly because they come from the same country, but both of them are always friendly towards each other.
And like always, Rythian was working on a video. Just a boring day in his office. Even though most people found this job laborious and boring, he found it fun. And Rythian was happy.
The Town Of Youtubers
FanfictionThe story of 4 YouTubers which will leave you wanting more.