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Zoro noticed her fall asleep and sighed knowing he had to find a way through this forest alone. He began to run through the forest. After a couple of hours he found a shoreline, Robin still unconscious. "Alright, we're getting somewhere." He said to himself and began to run along the shore as he came across The Sunny. Exhausted, he brought Robin to Chopper, who began to treat her headache. Zoro went down to the deck where he sat down, closed his eyes and rested.
After a while, Robin woke up slowly, finding herself in a room.
"Where....Where am I?..." She said as an animal turned around in a seat and said, "Oh! You're awake? Thank goodness! I'm glad you're okay." The animal talked and even smiled at her.
Robins eyes widened.
"Hey, Zoro! Robins awake!!" He called.
He looks like a really short reindeer...or like a raccoon? How does he know my name?... Robin thought to herself.
Zoro comes into the room and stands by the doorway. "Oi, Robin. Do you feel any better?" He smiled.
She looked at him and immediately her heart skipped a beat.
What was that?... Why did my heart-... Do I know him?
Never mind that...He's all scratched up. I wonder what happened to him. Those look like scratches made from bushes or something. Was he running through a forest recklessly?
What do I say...?
"Something the matter?" Zoro asked.
"Uh...I'm sorry. You all seem really nice....but.... Who exactly are you guys?..." Robin said a bit shyly, her face a bit puzzled.
Zoro's eyes widened then he slowly looked down. "So that's what happened." He sighed. "Chopper, it seems like she lost her memory."
Lost my memory?...
"Robin... What's the last thing you remember?" Zoro said raising a brow and crossing his arms.
What is the last thing I remember...? It's all hazy....
"Um... The last thing I remember is being on my island... And looking for my mother..." She looked up at Zoro.
"What do you mean I lost my memory? What happened? And can you please tell me your name?" Robin replied.
Zoro gave another sigh. "So you really did lose your memory..." He said softly. "That happened about 20 years ago. So, if you don't remember anything up to now, then you really did lose your memory." Zoro paused. "My names Zoro, and that's Chopper." He said pointing to the reindeer. "You seem to have lost your memory back in the forest. You fell into this pit and hit your head pretty badly. You got this huge headache and I carried you back here through the woods. On the way here, you fell asleep in my arms. Then you woke up and you know the rest."
"I see..." Robin looked around.
It seems as though we're on a ship...
"Are we on a ship by any chance?" She said curiously wondering if she might have a chance to escape.
"Yeah. We're on a spectacular ship." Zoro said smiling innocently. "You're apart of our crew too, Robin! You've been with us through thick and thin. Like the time in Enies Lobby. We all gave our lives to save you, though none of us died of course."
"I-Is that so?" Robin smiled hesitantly. "Sorry I can't remember any of it."
"It's fine...Well there's one thing. I know you like reading. Oh. We keep a voyage log! Maybe that'll jog your memory." Zoro smiled innocently. "Hey Chopper? Could you go get it for us?"
Chopper smiled and nodded his head. He came back a couple minutes later and handed Robin the log.
"I'm sure you'll absolutely fly through this, though it's pretty long. We've been at this for quite a long time." Zoro said.
Robin looked up at Zoro.
"Hey, are you okay?" She opened the log.
"I guess so..." Zoro sighed. "It's just... You losing your memory does hurt quite a bit."
"How so?" Robin looked down at the log and started reading. "Did we have some sort of relationship?"
Zoro glanced over at Chopper, not knowing if he already knew about them then looked back at Robin. "Yeah, we had a strong relationship...." He looked down and hid his now saddened face with his hand.
She looked up at him and noticed that he was becoming upset. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..." Robin looked down, feeling horrible.
"Oi, oi, don't worry about it. It's not your fault that you ended up losing your memory and all the moments we shared together." Zoro looked up smiling innocently. "I do wonder how things will pan out though. I think it's going to be fun either way." Zoro smirked. "Don't let anything I say influence your choices though."
"His attitude changed quickly..." She said quietly to herself.
"But it's whatever at this point." Zoro said going back to a serious look. "Hurry up and finish that book." He said sliding down against the wall landing in a sitting position.
"I'm going to go see what the other are doing. Get some rest Robin." Chopper left the room. It was silent for a moment, all you heard were the pages turning from Robin reading the log. She broke the silence.
"Looks like you guys had a lot of crazy adventures, huh?" She paused. "So you're the famous Roronoa Zoro, the Pirate Hunter, yet you're a pirate. What a twist, a pirate hunter joining a pirate crew." She laughed. "And it says here you want to be the greatest swordsman." Robin smiled. "That's amazing."
"Hmm, I guess that book has a lot about me." Zoro said chuckling. "Well, being caught by the marines as a criminal is just as good as being a pirate, so." He shrugged as he started going down memory lane, remembering how Luffy found him.
"Well I guess so." Robin laughed a bit.
"So Luffy is the captain. Oh, and it says he wants to be the King of the Pirates. " "Yeah he wants to, and he's going to become the king, one of these days." Zoro said.
Robin smiled even brighter. "Everyone has amazing goals in this crew. I don't really think I have one though."
"I think you mentioned it once. It had something to do with history. You don't talk about it too much."
"Just to find the Rio Poneglyph. It tells the true history and holds some dangerous information that could get me killed." Robin looked up at Zoro.
"Get you killed?" Zoro chuckled. "I don't think we would let anything kill you at this point."
"Yeah..." A tear ran down her face. She had just gotten to the part about her and Enies Lobby. As she continued reading her heart kept beating faster. She covered her mouth. "I guess I'm not dying anytime soon." She laughed a little through some of the tears.
Zoro's eyes filled with concern seeing her reaction. He decided to climb up into the bed best to her, but he didn't touch her. "You okay?" He asked with sympathy in his eyes.
Realistically he wanted to hug her and tell her that everything would be okay, but he knew she didn't have any memory of them being together, so she might take it the wrong way.
"Y-yeah..." Robin looked down and closed the book.

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