Let's Friend Popular !

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Here's a good tip.. Make friends with the popular kids !

Its gonna be hard but try to find a shared interest,  hobby or something that gets you two close. If you leave the most popular kid till the end and go talk to the other  popular kids, you can get closer to the most popular kid.

Keep in mind that when taking to a Popular girl, or any girl maybe, that Girls will change topics really quickly..


Popular Girl (Pg) : Hey guess what, Jade was crying in the toilets !
Other Pg: OMG
Other Pg: That is tots cray cray !
Me: yeah it is..

A few seconds later

Me:Jade is still crying !
Pg: oh, um okay?. OMG anyone heard that? The girls are having a fight!!

Yeah this happens a lot to Aliza. But now she knows.

Also try starting a talk like say something to a friend aloud which will get the girls attention and actually come to you for once.

If your popular girls are mean, ignore them. You don't want to be their type of popular. They will bully you for even trying. Instead in a Primary School, people who are popular are known by the whole school.

Know the school . Meet little ones or big ones. Talk to them. Share your snack. Become friends. It's simple. Watch the above video.

It's really helps !

Thanks for reading!

~ Alyssa and Aliza

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