Tea Time!

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"So why did Cat want me to come to you?" I asked sipping a cup of tea.
Apparently after the incident he wanted to talk it over with me during tea time. Saying I had "Too many questions to ask." And brought me to his tea shop. The first thing I asked him was if this was a dream and if I could get home, but he said the exact same thing Cat did. When I asked him who those weird people were he causally explained that they were faceless inhabants and as long as I ignored them, they would ignore me, otherwise they would kill me. But whenever I asked him who he was, why did the faceless hate him so much, and how did he kill them so quickly, he just simply said,"that answer will find its way to you soon." So he practically ignored every question I asked and it was pissing me off.
"Oh so kitty brought you! He must've wanted me to bring you to Hearts castle."
"Hearts castle?"
"Hearts castle is the place the ruler of Wonderland is. If Cat wanted you to come here, it must've been because he wants you to see the Queen!" He chirped. The Queen... Didn't Cat say to not trust the queen?
"Um, Hatter. Cat told me not to trust the queen. When I asked him what he meant, he just told me I'd find out soon. So why do you want me to see her."
"....... Like he said, you'll find out soon!" For some reason he kept avoiding my questions, but I just met him so I thought that maybe I should get to know him more instead before throwing questions at him, and surprisingly, I found something to talk about with him. This amazing tea!
"The teas nice. I haven't tasted such fine tea in my life!" I complemented.
"Hmmm... You like it? I'm glad." He said taking a sip.
" The faceless kid said that you have tea time everyday at six o'clock. Is that why it tastes so good?"
"Yes. I make it everyday at six o'clock am and pm. I've mastered the arts of tea!" He cheered.
"Do you have a tea shop?"
"Yes I do! But sadly, it's always empty."
"Is it because you're the Mad Hatter?"
"Haha! Yes quite so! But now you can keep me company on our journey to Hearts!!" He exclaimed.
"So how long is it going to take to travel to the castle. And what exactly do I have to do there?"
"I will take at least a week to get to the castle. Once you're there, the king will tell you what to do." Ugh! Just answer my question!
"If you don't answer my question, I'm not coming with you to the castle. Besides, when did I choose to come with you in the first place!" Why am I even doing this! I never said I'd do anything!!
"You don't choose where you go my Alice. You go by the story."
"Story? What story? I thought this was a dream."
"Who said this was a dream Alice?" He asked me. Gazing sadly into my eyes. He had one eye and bangs covering his left, a beautiful deep blood red color that matched nicely with his white hair. He wore an olive jacket with one of those vanilla-white tank tops underneath.
His pants were black and his shoes were white. When you take a first glance at him he looks like a normal person, but when you really look at him he looks handsome and dangerous. I loved his eyes the most. The deep red of blood. I've never seen such red eyes.
"I like your eyes." I said out of the blue. The dark sad eyes I saw suddenly brightened, taking in the complement. Darn! I need to learn to keep my mouth shut!
"Haha! Thanks! Oh look at the time! Tea times over!" He takes out a watch that reads 7:00 and puts it away." You should go and head to bed for our big adventure tomorrow my Alice! I will sleep on the couch so you can sleep in my bed. Nighty night!"
"Rrr..." I went in his room and shut the door. Why's he keep calling me my Alice? It's so annoying! But I mean, he did give me his bed so I should be grateful. And he seems to be a nice guy but he's just as frustrating as Cat. And what's the deal with the "go by the story" crap? This makes no sense at all. Is this even a dream or am I in a world of madness?
As I laid in his bed, I pondered about all the things that had happened today. Hoping that I would finally wake up, and everything would go back to normal and I would finally be with sis again....

"Hey sis! Sis what's wrong!" I  ran towards my sister. I had heard a scream from her room and then suddenly it was quiet.
"Oh I'm fine Alice, just another nightmare."
"Was it that one where our-"
"I said I'm fine!"
"Oh, okay... Night sis!"
"Wait Alice!"
"Yes?" I turned around to look at her,  but I couldn't see her face. It was all fuzzy.
"You won't leave me either will you?"
"No, I promise. I'll never leave you! We're sisters remember?"
"Ya. Thanks Alice I-"

"Wake up sleepyhead!" My dream was cut off by an annoying voice, and I slowly opened my eyes to see a blue doll with violet eyes  and stitches on its mouth being waved in front of my face.
"Gah!" I quickly woke up to that creepy thing.
"Haha! See! I told you It was the perfect alarm clock Rina!"
"Who's Rina?" I could only assume It was the doll. I hadn't noticed before but the whole room was filled with different dolls of shapes and sizes. Some were on shelves, others were on books and tables, he even had a tea time doll scenery by his windowsill. He sure likes dolls.
"Rinas one of my puppets! I told her to be on her best behavior today so she wouldn't scare you!"
"Wait those are puppets? Why do you have so many? And what do you even need those for?!"
"I'm taking her with us if that's ok with you? I only need one."
"Why should I care?"
"Thank you my Alice!" He yipped happily.
"Honestly, you're like a dog."
"A dog you say?" Suddenly he had my hands pinned to the wall. I was so startled That I froze up.
"Can I be your dog?" He asked in a predatory voice.
"U-uh what are you...?!" I could feel my face heat up. That fact that he was very attractive made it even worse.
"Honestly, your cute when you're flustered." He whispered in my ear.
"Ngh!" What is with him all of the sudden? Stop it! "Grrr......"
"Haha! Whats wrong my- Gack!" He hadn't pinned my legs so I used my knee to knee him in the gut." Nnnn....! Now that one was my fault...!"
"Yes it was your fault!" I proclaimed. Proud of myself.
"Next time I need to remember to pin your legs!" He said, Sounding better within two seconds.
".......!!!" I was now officially pissed. "Hatter! You stupid dog!!!"
"I'm going to make some breakfast now, bye!" He said and quickly left the room and shut the door before I could gut him again.
Exhausted, I flopped down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. Why did he do that? It's like one second he's himself, and the next second he's someone else. Who is he? Then I realized something. Wait I had a dream didn't I? I almost forgot about that. It was about me and sis. What was she going to say though. Is it even possible to have a dream within a dream. But like Hatter said, who said this was a dream. Hmm... I didn't notice before, but his bed smells of lavender. Hey! Isn't that me and sis favorite smell? I suddenly remembered. It does smell nice though... Shut up Alice!
Gathering up all of my thoughts, I decided it was time to get up and finish this dream so I could see sis again.
"Alice! Breakfast is ready!"
I got up off the mattress, walked to the dinning room, and sat at the table. The kitchen smelled of bacon eggs and toast as I waited for the food. Then he walked in with a plate of freshly baked eggs, toast, bacon, and tea. "Hatter don't you think the reason why you're called "Mad" is because you drink too much tea?"
"No. I have never thought of that!" He looked at me in disbelief. I searched for clues of any hidden sarcasm on his face but there was none. He was genuinely surprised. "What are you looking for Alice?" Uh-oh, did he notice?
"Huh? Um... Nothing I just need the salt."
"Well why didn't you ask for it?" He cheerfully gave me the salt and continued eating. After that it was quite. Just the sound of me and him eating. So I decided to start another conversation.
"So...why do people call you the Mad Hatter?"
"Well, it's mostly because I'm always doing something crazy like having dolls in my room, drinking tea every day, killing people."
"Umm... Are those people okay?"
"What people?"
"The faceless people you killed yesterday. It doesn't seem like you care." Ever since I saw them all die right before my eyes that hadn't bothered me til now. I knew they tried to kill me but when I remembered the mom dragging her son away telling him to stay away from Hatter, and the people saying stuff about Hatter being dangerous. I couldn't help but start to worry that he could kill me in any minute.

"Huh? Of course I don't care."

"What?" I stared at him shocked.
"Why should I care about my victims? After all I'm the one killing them." Suddenly he had that insane glint back in his eyes. The ones I saw yesterday after the incident.
"Haha, Alice you're so silly! Hurry and finish eating it's almost time to leave!" Then he got up, took his plates and quietly walked to the kitchen. I suddenly felt like every doll in the room was staring at me. The faceless people said he was bad. So if he doesn't care. He might actually be dangerous. I wonder if I can even trust him...

Just finished chapter three. And I'll probably hopefully do the next chapter tonight, unless if I pass out! XD bye!!

Alice In The Mad World Of Wonderland #Wattsy2016Where stories live. Discover now