Killer twins

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"Ahhh! What a beautiful day it is today! Isn't it my Alice?" Hatter sang as we strolled through town.
"Hey! Don't go acting all innocent!" I yelled.
When I had been so sleepy that I slept through Hatters Rina alarm clock and his flirting session of trying to get me up, the asstard literally dragged me out of bed and hung me from the window. Saying, if I didn't get up, he would drop me. I was still so furious! But I couldn't not believe he would go to such lengths to wake me up.
"Are you still mad at me???" He pouted. Making a cute sad face.
"You hung me from a window! Why the hell wouldn't I be mad?!"
"Here's a Balloon lick!"
"Don't bribe me happiness!" I growled. But stared intently at the balloon.
"You know you want it." He continued, sticking the balloon in front of me. Not being able to hold back from the craving, I snatched it from his hand and started licking it.
"See! Works like a charm!" He chirped, taking out a Teapop.
"This doesn't count!" I reminded him. After a while of peace and quiet I asked, "So Hatter, why do you like tea so much?" I've been wanting to know that since I met him. It's like he never goes anywhere without any source of tea.
"Because it calms me." he replied.
"Have you had tea ever since you were a kid?" That would explain why he was so obsessed with it.
"No. I started drinking tea when I had problems." He stated.
"What kind of problems?" I asked, savoring the flavor of the balloon.
"What about you? Didn't you say you wanted to go home? What was it like there?" He kicked a pebble, sending it flying.
"Huh? What are you talki- Oh!" I can't believe I had forgotten about home! I'm such an idiot! "Well home was..." Huh? What happened at home again? I remember sis and me. So why can't I remember doing things? Oh I remember something! "Well I remember falling down a hole while chasing a rabbit before I got here! But as I fell I kinda remember sis screaming something about not following the rabbit... I don't know! I forgot!" I explained, trying to remember details of what happened.
"A rabbit...." Hatter mumbled. He stopped licking his Teapop and asked, "Can't you recall any memories Alice?"
"Hmm well, whenever I try to recall them, nothing pops up. All I can remember is that I have a sister and that I fell down a rabbit hole. But sometimes I have flashbacks..." I rambled on. "Oh! I do remember that me and sis like the smell of laven-" I immediately covered my mouth with my hands. I need to learn to keep my mouth shut!
"What is it my Alice?" He asked, going back to his Teapop.
"W-what about you? Did you fall into wonderland like I did? Or were you always here?" I quickly changed the subject over to him.
"..... I was always here!" He said cheerfully.
"Were you lonely?"
"....Nope! I had Rina and the other puppets to keep me company! And a few friends. Right Rina?" He patted Rina's head.
"That sounds lonely." I commented. Talking to dolls is always a sign of loneliness.
"Why would that sound lonely?" He asked confused.
"Because your talking to dolls!"
"Rina is not a doll, she is puppet. And she is my friend!"
"Rina is fake."
"No she's not!"
"Yes she is! Look at her!" I pointed at Rina. All she looked like was a creepy doll sitting on his shoulder. To me, she was kinda cute, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if that was the reason the faceless inhabants were afraid of him.
"I'm telling you Alice! Rina is real!" He protested.
"Sure she is..." I said sarcastically.
"Watch! Rina wave to Alice!" He ordered the puppet.
Surprisingly, Rina waved her hand in the air. But I still didn't believe him. For all I know he could've pulled strings while I was watching Rina. But remembering the puppet show yesterday and that this is Wonderland... "Hatter, you don't have to pretend in front of me. Just tell me the truth."
"Alliiicee! I'm telling the truuth!" He whined. Was he really that convinced she was real, or was he really telling me the truth. "Look! Rina! Jump off of my shoulder and climb on Alice's head!"
Suddenly, Rina jumped off of Hatters shoulder and onto the ground. When I glanced at Hatters hands, they weren't pulling strings. Then Rina started jumping at my legs like a child wanting to be held. At that moment, I knew he wasn't lying.
"Holy crap it moved!"
"Because she's alive Alice!"
"Sh-shes alive!?"
"Yeeeesss! That's what I've been telling you this whole time!" He said.
"H-how?" I stuttered, picking her up and examining her.
"I made her!" He proudly said.
"But. How did you get her to move and do those weird tricks though?..." I asked, amazed.
"You mean the puppet show stuff? Easy! I'm the master of puppet making!" He proudly announced.
"Wow... This is amazing!" I exclaimed cuddling her in my arms.
"Hey! Stop it Alice! You might break her!"
"Don't worry, I won't." I put her on my shoulder and licked my Balloon lick.
"Give her back! She has to be with me!"
"Rina, point to who you want to sit with." I told her. It took a few seconds for her to choose and like I hoped, she chose me."See? She chose me! She likes me more!"
"Rina! Why would you want to sit with Alice?" Hatter asked looking hurt. And Rina replied. Though I don't know what she said. "Fine. But just for today okay?" Rina nodded.
"Here, you wanna try a balloon lick Rina?" I asked her, but she shook her head.
"She said no because she can't eat since her mouth is sowed shut." Hatter translated, sucking his Teapop in one hand, and shoving his hand into his pocket in the other. Skipping around."Hey Alice! You wanna go to the toy store today?" Hatter turned to glance at me. "It's near the exit so we can go before we leave."
"Ya sure!" I said, looking at him. His eyes brightened and he smiled sadly, mumbling something under his breath.
"What's wrong Hatter?"
"Oh! It's nothing my Alice! You just look so cute in that dress of yours!" He complemented, ruffling my hair.
I blushed. "Grrr.... Shut up you stupid dog!" I shouted, and started chasing him.

Alice In The Mad World Of Wonderland #Wattsy2016Where stories live. Discover now