But why|4

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Jacob's pov
As we go down stairs, all I could do was stare at Hayley, wow she's just so beautiful, her eyes, her hair, her lips.

Hayley's pov
As were walking down stairs I tried so hard not to just stare and Jacob but I could feel his eyes just laying on me, but why, he's probably thinking
'why this girl, she's so...well u know' So he leads us to I think his car and takes the photo. He asks for a high five so I obviously went to hi five him but of course classic Jacob, he Dabbed on me 😅. We then hugged for a long 10 seconds and then he whispered in my ear "u know ur very beautiful" and puts a note into my hands.
"Well it was nice meeting you guys" he says
"Yeah nice meeting you 2" I reply
"Ummm. Is it ok if u guys don't tell anyone I'm here, I wanted to come with my family just like no fans screaming and all"
"Yeah sure, I just want to tell you that I really love u, like I love you so much! You've helped me through a lot"
"I love you too, Hayley thanks for supporting me" he said starring right into my eyes like he was trying to tell me something without actually telling me.
Hey guyssss, short chapter today cause I'm in a bit of a rush, but thank you guys for the votes❤️ hope u enjoy this chapter.
Cya next timeXx😋

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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