Thank You (Sasuke, Masamune, Kojuro, Keiji) [Part 1]

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"Ko-Kojuro-sama! What happened!?" you asked the much older man in front of you.

You had just returned from a scouting mission and came back to the compound only to see the whole place in pieces.

"Their rivalry."

You sighed exasperatedly as you stared at the two men in front of you.

The duel carried on and soon, wind began to pick up. The wind was so strong, you had to dig your nagamaki into the ground just so you wouldn't get blown away. Even Kojuro had to hold his ground a little more.

"Ah!!" you cried out as you were literally blown away by the two fighting lords.

You saw that Kojuro had tried to extend his arm out for you, but you were sent flying back so fast you didn't have any time to react. The least you could do now was close your eyes and brace yourself for some kind of impact.

However, the impact you encountered wasn't the impact you expected. You landed on something hard, yet softer than the ground.

"Ugh. Hime-sama, are you alright?"

You opened your eyes and tried to focus your sight. There below you was poor Sasuke, his arms gripping your waist tightly as his face was buried into your chest, elbows supporting both your weight.

"Sasuke! I'm so sorry!! Are you hurt anywhere?" you asked him worriedly. 

"Y-Yes, Hime-sama... Though, I suggest you... um... stand up so Yukimura-danna won't get the wrong idea..."

"Why would ani-sama-- AH--!!"

You pulled together the collar of your kimono open as you tried to stand up. A sharp pain shot through your ankle and before you knew it, you had fallen again.

Sasuke, being a ninja and all, caught you in an embrace and held you close to him. "Hime-sama... I think you should be worried more about yourself than me."

You blushed furiously at the proximity and the amount of contact the two of you were sharing.

"May I?" he asked.

You nodded as he gently set you back on the ground so that you were propped up against a tree.

He took a knee and gently removed your sandals and lifted your foot. "You seem to have sprained your ankle and your leg is badly bruised..." he sighed as he scratched his head with his free hand. "Yukimura-danna is going to kill me..."

"Why would ani-sama kill you...?"

"You're the only blood relative he has left, and more specifically, you're his sister. More importantly, you're very important."

You looked away from his strong gaze, embarrassed by the indirect compliment. 

He stood up and lifted you up from your position. swiftly and carefully, he took you into his arms, like a prince carrying his princess, even though you literally are a princess.


The ninja let out a deep chuckled as he tightened his hold on you. "I suggest you hold on tight."

You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck as he jumped up into the trees, leaping from branch to branch at such a fast speed.

As you two made your way back, you noticed that Sasuke was really handsome up close. You could even feel his muscles through his clothing even though they were a bit baggy.

"See something you like, Hime-sama~?" he teased.

You mumbled something incoherent, hoping he wouldn't hear it. Ah... but alas. He did.

Once you got back to what was once the compound, he carried you over to your brother. This attracted the attention of the One-Eyed Dragon and his loyal right hand.

"Hime-sama is slightly injured, but it's nothing too bad. I would be able to treat her but seeing as there's no place to..."

Your brother took your hand into his and looked you straight in the eyes. 

"Oh no..." you thought as you prepared yourself for the outburst that was to come.

"MY DEAR SISTER! I HAVE INJURED YOU SO AND SINCE I AM YOUR OLDER BROTHER, IT IS MY DUTY TO PROTECT YOU. I HAVE FAILED YOU, MY POOR DEAR SISTER." Yukimura quickly went onto his knees and bowed so deeply, you could hear the earth and rubble crack slightly from the force. "PLEASE FORGIVE ME."

"Yu-Yukimura-danna..." Sasuke nervously called, looking as members of the army started to gather round.

"Yukimura-sama. We are also at fault for this mess and the injuries [Name]-sama has received. Please allow us of the Date Army, to treat and watch over until the repairs of your compound are finished," suggested Kojuro.

"I-I wouldn't want to trouble or distract you all from your d--"



"Well then, I guess it's settled," started the One-Eyed Dragon as he walked over to Sasuke. "We'll be sure to take great care of her. Consider it my thanks for this party!"

Sasuke reluctantly handled you over to Masamune and Masamune quickly took you into his arms. You gave Sasuke a pleading look and he simply shrugged his shoulders. "I'll be sure to check up on you every once in a while..." he mouthed.

Masamune looked down at you, a wide, mischievous grin on his face as he mounted onto his horse. "Let's ride!!"

"Ma-Masamune-dono!" you shrieked as you clung onto the front of his uniform. Sure you rode on horses before, but the way he was riding... it felt like an absolute roller coaster.


Hey guys! Long time again. Trying to get my life together with all these classes but hey. I remember I had this draft and decided to finish it since I didn't have to perform at today's football game.


Ani-sama: as you already know, -sama is used for someone of a higher rank, like a lord or noble or something, but "ani" is a more formal term for older brother

-dono: -dono is like -sama, but now it's for someone of a higher rank in relation to whoever is considered "-sama" (ex. an emperor, a god, etc. compared to a lord)

-danna: one of the various honorifics for master, but in a way, is more formal

nagamaki: think of it like a hybrid of a naginata and a katana, more blade than a naginata and more handle than a katana

Anime/Game: Sengoku Basara

Requested by: Keiji_Maeda

Sorry if there are any errors~ 


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