da next dai

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Da next dai leafy woke up and heded bak to the parc. He saw da bootyfull gurl from yesturday dat made him cri.


"What do you want you worthless piece of male shit?"

"I want to know your name, I-I-I'm leafy."

"Fucking leafy, I'm femmy."

"I think your purty, femmy." Leafy blushed down staring at his shoes.

"I think I'm purty too, fuck off."

"No! I- I'll buy you hair dye for uhh , 2 months if you stay!"

"2 years."


Both leafy nd femmy went bak to leafys home, an old shac in the middle of nowere.

"Where here."

"Oh okay."

"I really luv yu femmy" leafy said as he moved closer, puckering his lips.

"Fucking asshoel!" Femmy slapped leafy.

"You hurt me!"

"I don't care, I'm taking your bed, sleep on the floor you rat!"


In fucking done, don't quote me on this shit.

Lemmy (Leafy x Femmy)Where stories live. Discover now