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Me and kitty enter the cafeteria and line up for food. Daniel walks past us with his friends and smirks at me. With that kitty grabs me "mine" she yells at him and he smirks at her.
"You wished" he says under his breath and exits the room.
"Why do you even date that guy, he's a fucking asshole..."
"We already had this convo k, I love him"
"Thought you didn't know how to love"
"Only certain people"
"Fucking lier"
"I love you don't I"
"Ye but who doesnt ?"
"True" we both giggle at this before ordering our food. We sit at a table that faces towards the field where Daniel and jack were playing football.
"Doesnt it bother you though?"
"How girls are always hanging around him and he doesn't push them away" I thought for a minute about what the girls said about me this morning and shook my head to get rid of it.
"I trust him"
"Not meaning to get you paranoid but sometimes your trust is not enough"
"Don't start the harry and tom thing again please kitty" I say with a sigh.
"I'm not, I'm just saying not to put so much of your trust on him ok?"
I sigh and look her deep in her melted chocolate eyes... "I promise"
"Thank you" she says with a chirpy smile before beginning  to eat her tuna baguette. I didn't have an apettite anymore...

I get home at 5, I had to get a bus because Daniel said he had something to do, replays of what kitty told me at lunch played in my head as I tried to forget. I drop my bag on the floor and walk towards the kitchen for something to eat, I find an apple and go up stairs into my room. I take my phone off of charge and I've got three messages, one from my mother telling she was going to be late home, one from Kitty asking if I'm coming out and one from a girl called Emily?
'Are you Daniel's girlfriend?????'
'Yes why?'
'Basics he cheated on you'
'Very funny'
'I'm not joking we slept together after school'
'He wouldn't do that'
'He didn't pick you up from school today did he?'
A tear fell down my face as realisation dawned upon me, kitty was right I should of never trusted him.

'Daniel r u online??'
'Ye babe wusup?'
'I'm dumping u'
'U can't do tht ,why?!!!??'
'Why not ask Emily??'
'I didn't mean to"
'Tell that to your sex buddy I'm done'
Another tear escaped and slithered down my face, this is life, another guy. What's wrong with me. I climbed into bed not bothering to text kitty back or change. All night I tossed and turned in my sleep, crying in my pillow all the while.

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