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I always do my best when it comes to collecting pearls of Beauty and Pureness_ as our team is being called_ and thus I am one of the most beloved collectors to our Master. Maybe that was the reason behind assigning to me a very important, yet a hard task of collecting two-hundred pearls at once for our Master's birthday. The task-giver believed, and so did I , that my failure was certain and he, the task-giver, would get rid of me for good. But I got a hint (or should I call it a cheat) from a friend of mine_ who belonged to another group named "Practicality and Casualty": the most uncared-about pearls were being collected by that group. He showed a far-away place we did not know much about, or in another word we did not care much about. He swore to me that he once was capable of collecting over fifty pearls a day and they were all filled with spirits having the finest qualities and features.

"They are so underestimated, my Friend," he said to me, "but I say it is a luck that I can, despite the awful group I belong to, seeing those spirits within these pearls."

I had no choice but going there: if I failed bringing less than two hundred pearls to my Master within his very-near-birthday; the finest pearls of Beauty and Pureness, I will be dismissed from that wonderful world of ours. Thus, I spread my wings and flew toward that far-away land; doing the best effort to keep invisible from the human-beings. I will not name the beauty of the land: that is something I cannot actually see; but I can tell the beauty of the spirits there which led me to everywhere. Then a pearl-carrier came toward me and gave me his pearl saying, "well, do not be in a rush, Sir; more to come... like_ about one thousand and seven hundred or such."

Wow! That is a huge number which I did not believe. But soon I saw that exact number of pearl-carriers coming toward me giving me their pearls along with their beautiful smiles and sad stories. All these pearls were not worthy of the Practicality and Casualty team by any means; they were all about Beauty and Pureness. The finest qualities could be sensed from these pearls even before being held by me: honesty, courage, love, devotion, belonging, family-ship, friendship, generosity, creativity, pureness and beauty, and many other beautiful qualities, and rare features were within the spirits of each one of these pearls; though, each could carry a quality rather than the others. They had a bit of cruelty and indifferenceness, and a great deal casualty within them, but they deserved no belonging to that one particular team-to-collect.

I was the happiest collector ever having these fine pearls one after one and creating the finest collar to my Master for his birthday_ such a birthday it will be because of me; because of them.

Then, they moved in peace after giving me their spiritual pearls, and I went with happiness creating the unforgettable birthday for my Master. I had one more task to be the Master of Pearls' collectors; a task that should involve all the teams of our wonderful world.

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