Pearl of Life

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My awaited-task's day had come. I had with me the Masters of the other teams, as I was the Master of my own: Beauty and Pureness. We were to do nothing more than collecting pearls, and I led them to same place where I found my precious and magnificent ones. Of course they had a rejection at first, but later I could make them all joining me that unique place in a unique day when all_ well, most of the pure and beautiful pearls were gathering at one spot spreading joy and life all around. Their spirituality could have us all around them, too, and waiting them to come toward us carrying their pearls. We spent days there receiving pearls from the finest souls on earth. We had very much for mere greatest pearls, not as much as the previous time, but they were all beautiful.

We had enough, about five hundred pearl filled with great qualities of love, life, beauty and pureness. We were about to leave when a little girl came running toward us asking us to stop, "Wait! Wait! Please! I will bring my pearl shortly... see..." and she pointed at her little lying damaged body which was fighting the pain and arguing with the soul whether to stay on earth or to give the pearl already to its owner. That dispute took a good deal of time; we had to leave, but the little girl was begging us with her pretty eyes to wait a bit more. I begged my friends, too, and truly after a while the little girl came happily toward me carrying a big bright unalike-seen pearl, with a huge smile upon her face which faded shortly after a pause and wondered, "wait, will I ever see them again?"

"Yes," I answered, "but they won't."

"Oh!" she took a look at her beautiful pearl, smiled and gave it to me, "Well, I know I left a marvelous trace behind; they will not forget me at least."

I wished if I could by then giving her back the pearl and sending her back with her family and friends, who seemed very sad and much undesired for life anymore; but that was none of my authority. I took a deep look at that one different pearl in my hand and could tell what kind of spirit it carried within and why seemed so different: it was a pearl of life; more than beauty or pureness; something you cannot see within every soul, yet every soul does need it.

"Your friends look sad." I told her.

"Probably because of our departure. Wish if I could tell them how I will miss them, and how beautiful the place I am going toward; wish if could tell them that they will make no such comparison till they see the beauty of life, away from this sadness or a like."

That was it, the sad people needed the pearl of life to live rather than my need to be the Master of Pearls. I mean, after all, what beautiful pearl will ever appear in my path if no life attached to its soul within?

I handed the pearl of life to its owner and said to her, "Dear, spread it above your fellows and wish them the best life to be."

"What are you doing?" "Are you mad?" "This is The Pearl; you cannot hand it away or back to its owner!" I heard all these objections and more from my friends the collectors, but I cared not, and pushed the little girl gently to do what I told her. She caught her pearl with happiness and flew above that crowd of people spreading the soul, the lively soul, of her pearl; watching her friends raising their heads toward her with a gratitude happy smile and a hope that was drawn beautifully upon their hearts, creating peace and Life.

That was the deed to keep life moving on; to keep pearls of Beauty and Pureness becoming Pearls of Life.

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