Chapter 3: needing to see you

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Ameer woke up from his little power nap and realized that it was about 9:30 so he had about a couple hours to bring it all together. So he looked over his  place for the list he needed to get his event done. He looked to his bathroom and looked at all the sticky notes but not list. He then looked to his kitchen and he went through a very drawer and every cabinet.

    He , looked through his bedroom and finally found it. It was on his lamp stand. He hated how his worry gets to him. So, when he got to see what he needed to get together, he went to his car to get to his venue for the wine tasting event and it took him about 30 minutes.

    He looked to see if everything was up to part and to his surprise it was .

    He looked to see if everything was up to part and to his surprise it was

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

    It was just as how he imagined. One spot for a public affair and a private corner for people who wants to keep one on one. But, besides things were well. He looked at his phone and he noticed it was 10:00.

    He noticed people coming in. He had servants seeing them in and to take a seat any where. Things were going too perfect. He greeted some of the family and friends. And some of the guests.

    He stood back and just took in how the audience was looking he just loved how everything was coming together. The crowd was being served and loved it. Suddenly the lights went out and he just told everyone to turn on their flashlight on their phones if they had one and they did. He walked carefully to find the outlet.

    It was busted. So, he decided to call, Khalil.

" Kahlil are you there??" Yeah, I just woke up, what's up?" He said, groggily.

" sorry to wake you but unfortunately the power went out at my wine tasting event can you please come by, if possible I don't mean to disturb your kids as well!" He said.

" sure, don't worry give me about 10 minutes and me and the lil ones will be there." Kahlil said.

" thank you so much!" Ameer said, sounding happy.

10 minutes passed by and Kahlil came in with his kids. It was dark, but the lights led the way. Ameer found them through the little lights that were some how guiding him. Ameer to him to where the outlet was, along with the kids. Khalil had some tools on him and fixed the breaker and the lights were back on. All Ameer heard was relieved voices from the crowd. Now that there was light, he noticed Kahlil was dressed up in a purple dress shirt with nice slacks and shoes and the kids were dressed as well.

" wow, you look great.. I didn't know you would be dressed up!" Ameer said, since he was amused to see him being dressed.

" why would I come to an event of yours and not be dressed up!" Kahlil said, smiling.

" true! But either way, thank you so much!" Do you guys want to taste some wine, I have some Sprite and water and cokes for the kids just in case by the way!" Ameer explained.

" you are welcome, handsome.. And sure!" Kahlil said.

Thug in Love!!  #Wattys 2016-2017 ( SLOWLY EDITING) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin