The Secret Shared All Over The World

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"BREAKING NEWS!"  The women reporter said on the air.  "Just a few hours ago, CIA agents closed off Central Park to all people.  Some witnesses say they saw a huge pirate ship in the lake, and others say they saw a full on war break out.  Fairytale Style.  Today we will get to the bottom of this.  We have our field reporter Matthew in Central Park now.  Matthew how is it going there?"

"Not so well Sally."  Matthew said.  Matthew wasn't the only reporter there.  He was one in a long line of reporters going down the park.  "CIA agents have surrounded the park, and as we can see to my right here, there is in fact a pirate ship in the lake.  People who haven't seen this are saying that it's fake, or these people are just trying to make it up.  But I'm seeing it right in front of me and your seeing it on your screens."

"Have you talked to anyone who was there during that so called war?"  Sally asked from the studio.

"I actually have, and a women who I talked too said she was scared for her life and her daughter took a video of the war on her phone."  Matthew said.  "I actually saw the video and it looks like someone actually edited it to make it seem like magic existed.  At the beginning of the video you can see a women with horns, actually she kinda looked like Maleficent, and she was saying that if we didn't follow her, she would kill us, and you can clearly tell that this isn't fake.  You can see how shaken up these people and children are.  You can see the entire video on our website and on YouTube."

"I can clearly tell Matthew.  From where your standing it seems like there's a lot of chaos there."  Sally said.

"Yes there is.  If I weren't here right now, I would take my family and find a good place to hide."  Matthew said.  Edward walked behind Matthew, but before he could get away, Matthew caught him.  "Excuse me sir, would you please explain to me and the entire world what happened here?"

"I can't reveal anything at the moment.  But be aware we are trying to get this situation settled as fast as the CIA can."  Edward said.

"Oh your Edward Campbell.  The head of the CIA."  Matthew said.

"Yes I am."  Edward said.

"Oh, so do you think everyone in the United States should be worried?"  Matthew asked.

"Yes and also the rest of the world.  From what we've heard."  Edward said.  "But not to worry, we will soon have these people out of our world."

"Our world, what do you mean by that.  Are you saying that these people are from another world?"  Matthew asked.  "People who saw this so called war go on, are saying on social media that they had never seen anything like it.  They saw swords being drawn, pistols being fired, flying monkeys, and also...magic.  Like it was something right out of a storybook.  Care to comment?"

Edward stayed quiet, wishing that he could take back what he said and reword it.

"Um, I'm not sure what to tell them.  I just meant that these people will no longer be a threat to us."  Edward said.  "But I do recommend to get somewhere and hide.  I do believe that this will get very messy.  Thank you."

Edward walked away and took a huge breath in and out.  That was the most stressful interview he ever had.

"Well, right now I'm going back to my house and to my kids school and bring them home.  Back to you Sally."  Matthew said.

"Thank you Matthew."  She said from the studio.  "I'm going to do the same thing.  So this has been a short segment from Studio 26B.  This is Sally Shores signing off."


In Germany, Frau Himmelsbach was still in her bed.  She couldn't sleep a wink.  She cried all night for Emmerich.  She read over the note over and over again hoping there would be a clue.  Maybe Emmerich's birth father took him, or maybe his birth mother.  Maybe his birth mother decided that she wanted to take him back.  She didn't want to call the police again, fearing that they might figure out that Emmerich wasn't her biological child and take him to an orphanage.

She finally decided to get up.  She walked past Emmerich's room and walked in.  She saw all the superhero posters, and a picture of herself and Emmerich on his nightstand.  She picked it up, held it close to her chest and cried.

She took the picture outside, sat on her couch and turned on her TV.  The TV was on an American channel.  It was Matthew the news reporter.  It was in German, so she could understand what he was saying.  She thought all that fairytale stuff was just someone trying to get attention so she just ignored it.  She was about to change the channel, but Edward got on.  She recognized his last name, Campbell.  That was Bree's last name.  Then Matthew said that he was a CIA agent.  Maybe everything was true and she did need to get somewhere safe.  After the segment ended she turned off the TV. 

She sat there.  Emmerich was in even more trouble than she thought, now that all this was going on.  Then a thought came into her head.  Maybe Emmerich was taken by that women who said that she would kill all of them if they didn't obey. 

There was then a knock on the door.  She wiped her tears and opened the door.  She found her nephew there.  He had brown hair, tan skin and brown eyes.

"AUNTIE!"  Her nephew said and hugged her tightly.

"Ben!  What are you doing here?"  Frau Himmelsbach said and hugged him back.  "I thought you were studying in France?"

"I came back to see you.  I heard Emmerich was missing.  Once my mom told me, I got on a plane and got here as fast as I could."  Ben said and walked in.  Frau Himmelsbach closed the door.  She was so excited and grateful her nephew was there.  She always thought of Ben as her own son.

"I'm so glad your here Ben."  She said.  "I'm so worried about Emmerich.  What if his biological father or mother took him?"

"Auntie, I think it might be time to show the Bavarian Police the note."  Ben suggested.

"No!  I won't.  If I do, even if they find Emmerich they'll take him to the orphanage."  Frau Himmelsbach said.  "Ben please promise me you won't tell them."

"I promise.  Don't worry we'll find Emmerich."  Ben said.  "I'm positive, we won't rest until we get him back."

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