Chapter 18

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'Miss Stanford,' she heard a man whisper, 'wake up.'

Verity opened her eyes slowly and blinked several times, as she became accustomed to the light from a couple of candles that were resting on a table next to the bed she found herself in. She remembered going to sleep curled up next to James on the love seat by the fire, but she had no recollection of how she got onto the bed. Still confused about where she was, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked at the gentleman, who was sitting on the bed next to her. He was no longer wearing just his shirt and breeches; he was now immaculately dressed. His hair that only a few hours ago, had been tousled and unkempt was now styled in the latest fashion; his face that had been dark with stubble was now cleanly shaven. Even the shadows under his eyes that had darkened his face only a few hours ago had almost vanished. He was no longer James; he was Colonel Mitford once more.

'We have to get you back home before dawn,' he said as he stood-up to stand next to the bed, 'the maid is here, and she will help you dress.'

'Thank you,' she said drowsily, as she sat up and discarded the blanket.

Within ten minutes, Verity was sitting next to James in the same carriage that, only hours before, she had used to arrive at his lodgings. They had barely said a word to each other since he had woken her and told her to get dressed, but as they moved through the cobbled streets, there was an atmosphere between them. The carriage was narrow, and even though they barely touched, she could still feel his presence.

'Miss Stanford,' he said, at last. Verity was disappointed he did not use her given name. It was as though he was starting to build a barrier between them once more, 'I must apologise for last night. I was tired and...'

Verity interrupted him. 'Well,' she said firmly, 'I am not in the least bit sorry. I know it is not at all ladylike to admit it, and you will probably think that I am a hoyden, but I enjoyed our kiss. I enjoyed it a great deal. It was my first kiss, and I am glad it was with you. And, if it happens to be my last...'

James intervened. 'Trust me,' he said with authority, 'it will not be your last.' He turned to her and cupped her chin in his hand. I would like to kiss you once more if you will allow me?' Verity nodded her consent. In anticipation of his touch, the now familiar warmth pooled deep within the core of her body, and she felt a frisson of pleasure down her spine. He bent down and touched her lips with his. Even though this kiss lacked the vigorous passion, the previous one had evoked, there was something glorious about it. It was incredibly tender, and it awoke in her a new, more intense emotion. A feeling she could not explain; or control.

As the carriage came to a standstill, he finished the kiss and moved away from her. 'Verity, you must go. If you stay here any longer, I will...' He stopped abruptly and opened the carriage door.

She desperately wanted to know what he was going to say to her. Did he want her to leave her old life behind and come with him? As she sat in the carriage, she knew that if he had asked her to stay with him, she would not have had the power to refuse. She closed her eyes and realised that she was in love with him and that her heart was breaking at the prospect of leaving him. After six and twenty years, she finally discovered what a powerful emotion love could be between a man and a woman. And she was now beginning to understand what her sister had tried to tell her about her relationship with Ellington.

He alighted from the carriage and helped her down. He kissed her lips gently. 'Remember your promise,' he said as he took a step back from her, 'you will accept the Countess of Wrexham's invitation to tea tomorrow.'

Verity nodded. 'Yes, James, I will.'

Verity turned around and began to run towards the school, and did not look back.

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