The remains of us

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Sarah's P.O.V

I walked slowly toward district 9 after curfew. Me and Kyle took left and right while Melissa took guard and hid out back.

'On the count to 3' I wispered to Kyle as he gave me a small nod.

'1.......2........THREE' i shouted at him as we burst open the doors until i felt a hard and heavy object come to the back of my head

Jovi's P.O.V

I hit Sarah with my baton. Who does she think she is coming back to my camp

I look at Dylan and just smirk at the thoughts of hitting her.

I took her inside the camp along with her friends and tie them up to the chair.

'You disgust me' i said as i spat on her. 'Who do you think you are running around after curfew' I said.

Sarah's P.O.V

I woke up to find myself in a small and dark room. My head was dizzy as i opened my eyes.

I could see Jovi in front of me. I started rubbing the rope against the chair hoping for it to relese.

'Its no use you not going anywhere' She said with a smirk.

'By the time i get out of here i will break every bone in your body' I said also with a smirk.

I felt the rope  loosen a bit and in the corner of my eye i say a pistol with a surrpresser

Jovi left the room and left Louise on guard to watch us. I looked to my right to see Kyle and Melissa wide awake.

Dylan walked in to keep guard with louise. I got the rope off but kept my hands the same way. Kyle and Melissa knew my plan and distracted the guards by talking.

Melissa and Kyle talked for 10 minuets and finally Dylan and Louise wipped out a gun and shot both of them! I screamed and ran for the pistol and shot Louise and Dylan with anger.

I ran over to Melissa and Kyle's body.

Jovi P.O.V

I heard a pitol go off and quickly but quietly ran into the door. I saw Louise and Dylan's body on the floor. I also saw Melissa and Kyle dead. But to my surprise i saw Sarah staring at me!

'YOU MONSTER' she shouted at me!

Then she ran back to her camp!

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