Chapter Four

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This chapter focuses more on the situation last chapter . A little drama is included .

Laurent POV

When we got home , the kids wanted to get caught up with each other in their room , so I let them . I mean , I have my son for two weeks or until Eleni tell us another workshop date . The whole ride back , Skylar was being quiet and kind of fidgety . I know what Brittany said was wrong , but she shouldn't let her foolishness get to her . Brittany surprised me too , not just Skylar . I mean , I've never seen her talk that way or even try to fight anyone for as long as I can remember . You know she's really lucky Skylar is pregnant or I would have let her fight . Skylar has man hands I'm telling you . It sometimes hurts when she play fights with me because she hits me too hard .

Anyways , while the kids were in their rooms , Skylar and I decides to chill in the living room . She was still very quiet and to herself like before . I wonder what's wrong with my baby , she was just fine when we were putting the kids in the car . The TV was on her favorite cartoon , Spongebob , and she wasn't even paying it any attention . She just kept fiddling with her fingers and messing with her phone . Not one word was said from her ever since we got in the car . I'm starting to get worried . I patted her leg lightly and waited for her to look at me . She never did , so I shook her slightly . Same response . "Baby ? What's wrong with you ?" I whispered to her . A sigh was all I got , at least I know she's listening to me . She shook her head and continued what she was doing . I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off . I leaned over and picked her up , placing her in my lap . She just sat there playing with her nails . "Hey ." I said as I tried to get her attention . She just ignored me . Now I'm not the one to get all mad about being ignored because she usually comes running back five minutes later . But the way she acting towards me now has to stop . I picked her head up by placing my two fingers under her chin . Looking at me with glossy eyes , she sighed and sniffled a bit . "Baby what happen ? What got you like this ?" I asked her as calm as I could so I wouldn't spark anything up . She didn't say anything , she just kept looking at me with the sane expression except for her tears started to fall . "Skylar you have to talk to me baby ." I told her . I'm beginning to think this is more than just her hormones acting up and Brittany . This was deeper . "I saw someone ." She muttered , dropping her head again . That someone must want his balls used as his eyes , or her titty shoved so far down her throat , it will come out of her ass . "Who was it ?" Bringing her wrist to her face , she dried her tears and looked back up at me .

"I .... I s-saw my dad ." She told me . What ? From what I recall , her dad broke his neck down a flight of stairs at her old house and died . That was like a whole 5 or 6 years ago . His body should be rotting underground right about now . "What ? Skylar I thought you said he die when you brother push him down the stairs ." I'm confused now . Maybe it wasn't her dad , just someone who look like him . "I know but I know what I saw Lau . He was in the car talking to Brittany . I guess he felt me staring , so he looked at me and ...." She paused to catch her breath and calm down . I grabbed her hand encouragingly and waited for her to continue . "he just smiled at me like nothing happened before . Then he gave me this evil look .... Like I stole something from him . Lau I don't know what to do ." She cried out the last part , letting her head fall on my shoulder . A part of me believes her and the other part doesn't . She told me that nigga died years ago so why in the blue fuck is he here now ? Somebody please tell me .

"Baby listen , maybe that wasn't him . Maybe it was someone who look like him and you just look at him wrong ." I said in a hushed tone . She shot up with an angry look on her face . "So you think I'm lying about this bullshit ?" She stood up and fixed her pants . "Laurent Nicolas Bourgeois I swear on my mom I'm going to slap the fuck out of you if you call me another liar ." She threatened . I stood to my feet and looked down at her unamused by the game she's playing . No I didn't call her a liar . I simply said maybe it wasn't him and this is what I get . Maybe if she wasn't pregnant .... "I never said you lie , all I said was it maybe not him an-" My sentence was cut short when my head flew to the side and a stingjng sensation was felt on my left cheek . She really slapped me . You know what ... I'm not even about to trip over this . I touched my burning cheek and saw blood on my finger . I laughed a little and shook my head slightly . When I looked at her , she had a look of guilt and regret stuck to her face . It looked like she wanted to cry , but that doesn't matter right now . I began backing up with my hands up . "You know what ... I'm done talk with you now . Do what you want Skylar ." I said . The tears began falling as she stepped closer with her arms open for a hug . "Don't touch me ." I told her . She shrunk back and started apologizing . "Lau I'm sorry . You know how my mood swings are- . "I don't even think the baby has to do with what you just did . No put that on us baby . That was you , you did that . If the baby make you so fucking mad you hit me now , then you would already be hitting me before ! You had no reason to hit me just now cause I tell you ass I not call you a FUCKING LIAR !! You never hit me when you pregnant before , even with the triplets but you do now . You know what happen earlier during these two hears and you hit me-" She cut me off . "Don't try to throw that shit up in my face . You hit me not the other fucking way around !! Just cause I hit you one time you wanna cry and shit and have someone care . When you were beating the shit out of me I cried and no one cared !! " She yelled . It was dead ass quiet when she said that . I felt fresh tears roll down my cheeks , dropping on my hand .

Why would she say that ? Why ?

"Okay ......... I hit you , but you know what happen . Can't believe you turn this on me . I thought we try to forget about that , but you don't obviously . You don't know how many times I went to therapy to forget what happens , how many FUCKING NIGHTS I CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP !!! How many fans and friend I lose because of that . I not even get the fucking respect my twin get because I "beat the shit out of you" . Well you know what .... I done . Since you want to talk shit about the past , I leave ." I said . You don't even know how kisses off I am . I thought I could trust and love her enough to keep that bottled down and hidden , but I guess I can't . I don't know what's becoming of her now . All I know is that I can't see her face any longer . "Noo Lau don't leave me !" She cried . I just looked at her on the floor and winced slightly feeling the saltly tears coming in contact with the cut on my cheek .

I walked past her and grabbed my phone and charger , going upstairs . I heard her following me , so I quickened my pace and went into our room , packing a few outfits in my bookbag . When I was done , she was coming into the door frame holding her tummy , crying still . I put my bag on my back and pushed passed her , going down stairs . I ignored her cries and pleads for me to stay and just left .

I guess I'm going to Larry's for the rest of the week .

When I pulled up to his house , I didn't even bother knocking since he gave me a key . I texted him on the way so he knows I'm coming . 'I'm spending the night until Friday .' Was what the text said . All he said was okay with the looking eyes emoji meaning to us , explain when I see you . I took my shoes off and walked in the living room seeing him sitting up , looking my way . "What happen bro ?" He asked , getting up . He grab my fave and turn my head to the side , sighing . He motioned to my bag , making me take it off . He grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom . He pushed me slightly towards the toilet so I sat down on it . He grabbed a washcloth and wet it with warm water , grabbing a big bandaid . It didn't really hurt when he put it on my face . When he was done , he took me back to the living room and sat us down .

"What happen ?" He asked .


"Damn man ..... It's okay bro ." Larry comforted me . He gave me a hug after I told him what happened . He thinks I'm doing a little too much to stay off for two days . I just couldn't stand to see her face anymore after she said that . All I saw was the beaten up Skylar after she said what she said and its hard to look at . I just can't .

"Well , is late and I have to take the babies to school , I see you in the morning bro . Love you ." Larry said , stretching his limbs . I nodded , "Love you too Lar ." I responded . He went upstairs and sent to need I guess as I sat on the couch thinking . After a while I got up and went upstairs with my book bag and end in the guest room . I sighed as I laid down after changing into some sweatpants . For the first time in about a year , I'm sleeping alone tonight .

Sorry for the wait , my mind drew a blank in the middle of this chapter . I had to stop and leave it alone for a few days , then when I came back , it happened again !!! So now it decided to come back at 3 in the morning , and not it's 4 😴😩 . At least I got it done !

Hope it's good enough until I can start chapter five .

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