Act 1 - Chapter 2

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Clarke's POV

I just finished trying to get pregnant the seventh time. My tribe believe that you have to wait a month before you can try again as to not upset the gods. I think the reason I'm not getting pregnant is because I keep trying the same time every month.

But I don't mind. I don't want to get pregnant. I want to be free. It might sound crazy but I want to find love. I know it is a thing because I heard a mother telling her child that she was lucky because she found love.

I want to leave. I want to live on my own. And that is what I'm going to do, I'm not going to wait. I'm leaving as soon as I have got the things I need.


Lexa's POV

It's morning which means it's time to go. I pick up my stuff which I bundled together in some animal skin. I sneak out of the cave as quietly as I can.

I am terrified. I don't know what is out there. I've never even been outside of my tribe's territory! I am just walking through a field when I feel a hand over my mouth and a sharp stone at my neck.

I am going to try to push them off when I feel my heart beating really fast and what feels like lightning shoot through me. Was this what finding your soulmate felt like?

"Keep quiet" I hear a voice hiss in my ear.

"Well that's not hard with your hand over my mouth" I think.

The girl takes her hand off my mouth and the stone away from my neck and creeps quietly through the long grass. I notice that she has her eyes on a deer. She shoots me a glare as if to say "don't mess this up for me."

I accidentally step on a twig and the deer somehow manages to hear. The deer starts to run but the girl throws the sharp stone and it hits it right in the heart. The deer falls straight to the ground. The girl runs over to it a takes the stone out of it's heart.

She flicks her head as to say "come here" and I do exactly that. "You nearly messed up my chance, that deer nearly got away" she snarles.

"But it didn't" I replied with a smile. The girl then glares at me.

"Help me drag it over into the woods." She says gesturing to the deer.

"Only if you let me stay with you," I reply.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me"

"Fine. But only for one night. I haven't even set up yet and I'm only staying this one night"

"That's fine, I only need shelter for this one night."

She doesn't reply and we drag the dead deer into the woods in silence. "Go find some wood to make a fire, I'm getting wood for shelter." The girl says breaking the silence. And with that she went off. I was worried someone might try to steal the deer so I looked for wood while keeping the deer in my sight.

I went back and set the wood down and just looked at it when suddenly it dawn upon me that I didn't know how to make a fire. I just sat there until the girl got back.

Once she got back she looked at me curiously and asked "do you even know how to make a fire?" I shake my head. "Wow" she scoffs "you really are useless." It hurt what she said but I try to act like it didn't faze me.

Once she had made the fire and set up the shelter she starts to cook the deer. I suddenly realis that we hadn't introduced ourselves yet. "I'm Lexa." I say.

"And I don't care." She replies.

If she really was my soulmate like I thought she would like me more wouldn't she? After a while she breaks the silence "so what tribe are you from anyway?" She asks.

"I thought you didn't care," I reply

"Well I changed my mind, I want to know," She states.

"Only if you tell me your name first"

"Fine. My names is Clarke, now answer my question."

"The Withens"

"Really?" She asks. I nod not sure why she is so surprised. "It's just that my tribe always talk about how we need to stay away from your kind because you are animalistic and cannibals."

"My mother used those exact same words to describe all the other tribes. Which one are you from?"

"The Talidonens, and why aren't you still with her?"

"She's dead."

"Oh, I'm sorry. But if it makes you feel any better I grew up without parents. They abandoned me when I was born. I don't know why but someone from the tribe found me and took me in. They didn't mistreat me, I left because I have different views of how to live life from them."

"What kind of different views?" I ask.

"Well.... They believe that life should just be about procreation but I want to find love." She replies.

A huge smile spreads across my face "I never thought I'd find someone who wanted the same things as I do."

"You want to find love?" I nod. Our eyes meet and we look at each other for a long time when Clarke suddenly realises that the deer is cooked. We eat in silence.

"Shouldn't one of us keep watch while the other sleeps?" I ask.

"Umm yeah, thar would be a good idea," Clarke says while nodding and biting her bottom lip.

"I'll go first," I suggest.

"Are you sure?"

I nod. She smiles then goes into the little shelter she made. I sit down outside it. A while passes and Clarke comes out the shelter "My turn," She says. I smile then get up to go into the shelter. I fall asleep almost instantly.


Clarke's POV

While I keep guard, I go over the events of that day in my head. More specifically when Lexa said she wanted to find love. Maybe that means that there are more people like Lexa, that I might atucally find love or maybe I didn't need other people like Lexa maybe I just needed her.

Could I have feelings for her? I didn't even know it was possible for girls to like girls. I look inside the shelter and see Lexa sleeping, she looks so beautiful. She was also really nice even after I'd been rude to her.

I think I do like her. But she most likely doesn't feel the same. I sigh and go to wake her up because then sun has come up. She looks so peaceful and I don't want to wake her but we have to leave. Suddenly she wakes up on her own.

"Uuhh, I wasn't watching you sleep, I was just about to wake you up but you woke up on your own so uh yeah," I stammer.

She giggles and it's like music to my ears "don't worry, I believe you," Lexa replies. "So," She says "why do you want to leave this place, is there somewhere you want to be?"

"Uh yeah, there is. There is a village where um I kind of want to go, it's uh a place where you can be free and I was wondering if uh you wanted to come with me?"

"You want me to come with you?" Lexa asked.

I nod. "Only if you have useful skills," I then say trying to cover up the fact that I just really want her with me.

"Well," Lexa begins "I can immediately tell if a fruit is poisonous or edible."

"But you can't make a fire?" I ask raising one eyebrow. She shrugs.

"Well then, let's get going."

A/N - Ok so the start is a bit cringy but clexa met so yay! 😂 I'm not very good with grammar and spelling so sorry. Also I'm sorry if I offend any history fanatics with inaccurate facts (this act is set in the stone age by the way) Also sorry about the tribe names Idk where that came from 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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