Just relax

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It's been about 2 weeks since me and Noah started dating and he meet my dad and they get along pretty well. He staying the night and woke me up at 3am when he knows I fell asleep at midnight just because he wanted to see my eyes, like who dose that like really. But then he kissed me roughly.

Liv: wow foster didn't know you were so rough.
Noah: well you learn new things about me every day.

He then took off his shirt and asked me if I was ready or if I still need time. I said I was ready. So he took the shirt I had on off and took my shorts off then his pants. He kissed me as he layed in between my legs.

Noah: your my first time.
Liv: your my first time to.

A smile painted on his face as he took out a condom from his bag and took of my underwear and his boxers and slowly started. It hurt at first then it turned into pleasure. I dug my nails into his back and wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face in his shoulder. After about 45 minutes we stoped and I put my underwear back on as her put his boxers on.

Noah: how was it for your first time.
Liv: it was amazing.

As he fixed my hair I layed in his arms and feel asleep again.

~Next morning~
I walked downstairs to see my dad getting ready to leave for work.

Liv: dad I thought you had to stay at work for the next 5 days.
Liv dad: that starts today. Oh and Liv next time keep it down a little bit, love you.
Liv: k dad love you to.
Noah: we got caught.
Liv: yeah.
Noah: and he's ok with it.
Liv: yeah he's ok with alot of things.

Noah walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and said "I love you." I blushed and said it back. The rest of the day we watched movies and cuddled.

Horror Freaks (Noah Foster)Where stories live. Discover now