Chapter 9 Let Clint in

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I jumped grabbing Clint's hand in mid air, our shared momentum allowed me to pull him into the air with me and swinging our legs he kicked Hogun and I kicked Fandral. Thor had allowed the sparring now because I had Clint so he knew nothing to bad would happen while he trained with Sif. Clint and I landed back to back and immediately took a fighting stance. "So tell me what's really going on here." He whispered making it look like we were speaking on a battle plan. "Well they don't like me and by they I mean Sif and two of the Warriors Three." He nodded turning around and picking me up so I could push both my feet into Fandral's chest. He dropped me but kept hold of one hand which let him roll forward and show Hogun the bottom of his boot. "So Blondie over there is the one you're in goods with?" He asked pulling me from the floor. "Yeah and he's also my only chance of keeping Thor." Clint looked confused and turned to our opponents. "I think we need a time out here guys so Roxxie can explain our plan to me better." Fandral laughed heartily. "Of course Archer, take all the time you require!" Clint grabbed my hand and walked to the side. "So..." He looked at me expectedly. "Well... Okay I may have over heard Sif telling the other two that they would get Fandral to hate me." Clint raised an eyebrow. "And what does that have to do with you keeping Thor?" I rolled my eyes. "Come on man keep up! Fandral is Thor's best friend, right? So obviously his opinion matters a whole lot to Thor, that's what Loki told me."Clint scoffed. "So we're supposed to believe that because Loki said it. Can I have some evidence please?" I looked at Clint and said two words. "Jane Foster." Clint took that in. "Alright. So what's the plan?" I took a knee in the dirt and motioned for Clint to do the same. "So that's where I let you in. I need you to talk to Fandral and tell him what's going on. Ya know?" Clint looked up from the game plan I had begun to draw in the dirt with my finger. "Why not you talk to him?" I drew a connecting line from me to Thor and put a heart over it. Then I drew one from me to Clint and one from Fandral to Thor, putting a star over both lines. I finished by drawing a line from Clint to Fandral and putting a circle over it. "You see what I'm saying? Thor and I are together and you are my best friend and Fandral is Thor's. So it's up to you two as our best friends to tell each other how Thor and I feel without letting Thor or I know. Does that make sense?" Clint laughed. "Not in the slightest. But sense I'm your best friend I know what you mean so leave it to me Roxxie I won't let you down." I smiled then. "You never do." Then I thought back to earlier and smacked Clint in the back of his head. "Hey! What was that for?" I stood up and pulled him up to. "That was for kneeling to Odin." Clint smirked. "Really? I knew you didn't kneel, I just knew it! Just one of those Stark things huh?" I pushed him. "Shut up and go put the plan in effect." I said looking over to where Fandral and Hogun had joined the rest of our group. Clint and I walked over together but I moved to stand next to Loki while Clint next to Fandral. "Well did you tell him?" Loki asked in a hushed voice. "Yeah, we made a plan and looks like it's in motion." I said looking over to where Clint and Fandral moved away and began sparring one another while Clint talked. "I sure hope this works." Loki said turning his attention back to Thor who stood back to back with Sif as they fought two other people in the training yard. I sighed at the sight. "You and me both, Loki, you and me both.

(A/n) I've owed that update for a while now I know. So sorry it took so long it's just my summer has been so busy. And schools just around the corner and I'll have homework and volleyball to do. But I promise I'll make time for this I swear not to abandon it just stick with me and we'll make it okay?

Tony's (Not So) Lovely Little Sister (Third part to Tony's Lovely Little Sister)Where stories live. Discover now