Chapter 14 For Crying Out Loud

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I glanced over at Clint from my spot on the horse behind Thor and caught his eye. He grinned at me and made a show of holding Loki tighter and pushing his cheek to Loki's back. I put one of my hands to my forehead and swooned against Thor, making Clint laugh as I re-wrapped my arm around Thor. Just then the sound of more horses running met my ears and I don't mean one or two like somebody was trying to join us, I mean like I heard an entire herd of them. I looked behind me and saw what looked like the Asgardian army back there. "Uh, Thor? You might want to check out the action behind us." I yelled over the sound. He glanced and yelled, "Loki!",and stopped his horse with Loki doing the same. " What's going on? Do they think the princes need that much protection?" Clint tried to joke but neither Thor or Loki laughed. The army caught up and stopped a few feet back from us, only four of the horses advanced and on closer inspection I noticed it was Sif and the Warriors Three. "Fandral, what is happening?" Thor asked as he and Loki turned their horses to face the crowd. "My princes, Dark elves have been spotted heading for the castle." Without a word Thor held out his hand and I knew he was calling for Mjolnir. At the same time Loki slid from Sleipnir and pulled me from Thor's horse moving me his child in front of Clint. "Sleipnir will take you back to the palace." He stated as slid into my former spot on Thor's horse and donned his helmet and spear at the same time Mjolnir reached Thor's waiting hand. "Wait just a minute! You think I'm not going with you?" I asked looked at Thor like he'd grown another head.  His expression of seriousness didn't change. "Roxxanne, I will not allow you or Friend Barton to participate in this battle. Go back to the palace. Now." He left no room to argue and I was going to say something about going anyway but Clint said, "Roxx, really what are we going to do? I got no arrows with me out here and I got a feeling these elf guys they're talking about aren't like our guys on Earth. Plus your still banged up from the Sinister Five attack!" He makes some good points, Bruce would murder me if something happens to me up here. But I can't just leave him out here! Make them promise to bring him back! "For crying out loud!" I yell out defeated and I look at not Thor but Sif and the Warriors Three. "You four, bring him back to me in one piece!" I say with tears starting to sting my eyes. To my surprise it is Sif who answered me. "He will return to you as he is now. You have my word, Princess." There is no bite or any sign or mockery when she says it and I know that she is serious and she will keep her promise. I nod at her and pick up Sleipnir's reigns, I glanced at Thor on more time. "I love you." I say and I snap the reigns making Sleipnir take off before Thor can say anything back. As we get further away from the group I say to Clint, "I think you should know that I don't know how to ride a horse!" I heard Clint's laughter over the wind. "I'm sure Sleipnir knows what he's doing. So... Princess?" I shrug against him. "Maybe she knows her place now." She better know it if she knows what's good for her. Injuries or not I'll kick some ass for Thor. Princess does have a nice ring to it though. "You gotta admit, Princess Roxxanne does have a nice ring to it!" I yelled voicing my thoughts. "That it does, that it does." He said through his chuckle as we approached the palace.
(A/n I'm going to  (try and) described a battle in just a moment might have some blood and gore won't be to bad though.)

As I watched my child carry away Clint and Roxxanne, Thor raised Mjolnir and yelled, "For Asgard!", causing everyone to do the same with their own weapons and then we charged toward where our enemy would be coming from. Over the horizon I began to make out what looked like a small mass of shapes coming towards us. "Ready, brother?" Thor asked me as we got close enough to swing on our enemies. "Always." I smirked as I leapt from the horse's back swing my spear at the closet dark elf. It slashed through his neck causing his black blood to spurt out over the the land and a little on me. The rest of the Asgardian army has joined in on the battle and I took a moment to look for Thor. I do not get a chance to find him before three more of the dark elves tried to advance on me. I flicked my wrist outward throwing forward some of my clones to confuse them while I moved around them and drove my spear into one of their backs causing it to shriek loudly in pain. I pushed it away from me and back towards the other two right before Thor's hammer slammed into one of them making the all fly backwards. I glance back and see Thor grinning at me like the giant oaf he is while he calls his precious Mjolnir back to him. "Consider that payback for the battle against the fire giants." He laughed as we stood back to back. "That was over a century ago! Learn to leave the past where it is!" I smiled as I spoke. Soon enough Sif joined our little circle as we fought off the horde of elves,being there just to make sure nothing happened to Thor just as she promised Lady Roxxanne. I used a spell to manipulate a few of the elves in a straight line so Sif could stick her double-sided sword through them. She yanked it out while Thor called lighting to him using Mjolnir, he pointed his hammer towards the newly stabbed elves causing them to explode thus making some of their innards burst out and land on us and the surrounding area. At this sight the remaining elves turned tail and retreated through some kind of portal back to Svartalfheim. Thor tossed one of his arms around my shoulders as he raised Mjolnir with the other shouting, "Victory in the name of Asgard!" We all let out a jubilant cry and remounted our horses to get back to the palace to clean up before the feast that would no doubt be held in honor of our victory. "You know next time I believe you three should begin with that move!" Fandral exclaimed jumping onto his own horse.

"Shouldn't they be back now? I mean how long do battles really take?" Clint looked at me from over Sleipnir's head. (He had gotten off as soon as we got back to the palace and so I draped myself over the horse's back.) "Did you really just ask me that? You know how long battles take, hell you've fought along side him before." I groaned running my fingers through Sleipnir's mane. "I know! But that's just it, I was out there with him! Not inside like some little... I don't know some little person who isn't America's Spider! I'm America's Spider dammit!" Clint shared a look with the horse as if I was crazy. "I know who you are, weirdo. Do you wanna go inside and wait?" I looked at him like he was an idiot. "Do I look like I wanna go wait inside?" he held his hands up in surrender. "Just trying to help gosh." I sighed. " I know." I wanted to get down off of Sleipnir but realized something. "Hey, Clint." He glanced up from his staring contest with the horse. "What's up?" He asked looking at me. "I just realized that I haven't gotten on or off a horse by myself since I got here." he laughed at me, "What do you mean?" I continued to play with Sleipnir's mane. "When I first got here, Thor put me on Sleipnir at the bifrost and Loki took me off when I got to the palace." My best friend thought for a moment. "Yeah and today Thor put you on his horse didn't he?" I nodded. "Hell, Loki even moved me from Thor's horse to Sleipnir when we were getting sent back here. Am I even allowed to get down on my own?" He shrugged moving over to Sleipnir's side. "Well I'll get you down just in case you aren't." He put his hands on my hips and lifted me off of Sleipnir and onto the floor. "This place is a freak show." I laughed with Clint. "At the rate things are going you just might end up being princess of this freak show!"I chuckled at the thought laying down in the grass and pulling my best friend down with me. I don't think I would mind that too much, but Thor has to come home to me first. Clint always able to sense my unease draped an arm around me. "Don't worry, Roxx they'll be back soon enough." I sure hope you're right. I thought turning into his arm more and continued waiting for the army to return.
(A/n) Ha ha I'm baaaack! Okay I know I'm awful for being gone so long but honestly I was just being obsessed with Hamilton (Damn good musical btw Let's thank Lin Miranda for that.) Now am I over my obsession? No! But that's okay because now I will balance my two favorite things I.e: the avengers and Hamilton and I won't for get this fic I promise! Also shoutout to @1bitchishere because on god it's because of her I updated when I did so thanks! Until next time

Tony's (Not So) Lovely Little Sister (Third part to Tony's Lovely Little Sister)Where stories live. Discover now