Chapter 2: First day on the job

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I was looking for a job with mom which was hard as fuck!! All the jobs were all boring and required special, which I do not have!!! It was all hopeless and I immediately gave up cuz there was no way I was gonna find a job offer where it needs no skills that I do not have...or so I thought!
My mom squealed which scared my slumber. I immediately rush over to her and say
" I found a job for you Y/N!! It says it needs no special skills just these and you have em!"
She handed me the flier and my eyes were wide open. I had all these skills, what a coincidence but who cares I got a job!!!
"Do u want the job honey??"
"Uh yeah!! Call the number!"
She called the number and I overheard a male on the other line. I couldn't make out what region he was from judging from his accent. Sounded like he was exited that she called. She hung up the phone.
"Y/N, you got the job!"
"The job starts tomorrow at 2, me and dad will be gone before that so make sure you got what u need."
"Yeah yeah mom, I know besides the job will be a piece of cake!"
You grinned a big smile on your face.
Mom drove me to my new job and I was nervous. I wanted to make a good impression and not let him see me as a obsessive fangirl, but I'm exactly that! Well I'm fucked. Mom stopped the car which i can see a big house, heck wasn't a house more like a mansion. My jaw dropped dramatically cuz the house was like 20 stories high!! Both of us got to the front door and knocked on the door. Who appeared at the door was a brunette male. He looked about my age. Long brunette hair flowing by the swinging door. Behind him you can see two other boys; one blonde guy with glasses and the other one was really young with dirty blonde hair.
"Are you here for the job" the brunette said.
"Yeah!" I said with a smile on my face.
He nodded and gestured me to come in. I waved to my mom and she left immediately. The brunette closed the door in a flash. Wonder who my boss is.

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