In Love With The Player???

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Jada P.O.V

Friday finally cant wait until the weekend. I still can't believe my mom made us move tho. So my step-dad could be closer 2 work, like I care. I really miss New York. L.A is just not 4 me. Anyway I got up took a shower, creamed my skin, then put on this.

Red Tank Top wit a mustache on it

Dark Blue Booty Shorts

•Red Vans

I had my hair down, grabbed my Iphone 5C nd went downstairs. My baby brother Egypt was eatin breakfast, I kissed his head.

Me: Morning hows my favorite brother

Egypt: Im ur only brother silly

Me: I knoe u knoe I love u right

Egypt: Yes I love u 2 Jada *Hugs me*

I love my baby brother. He's was the main reason y I moved out here 2 L.A cuz he didnt want 2 be away from me. My thoughts were interrupted when my step-dad came downstairs nd he wanted 2 start shit.

Swizz: Jada don't u think those shorts r 2 short

Me: Don't u think u should stop tellin me wat 2 do, cuz I knoe u not my dad

Swizz: *Sighs* Look Jada Im not tryin 2 be- *Gco*

Me: Just stop talkin 2 me

Mom: Good Morning

I got up nd kissed Egypt bye, grabbed my bag nd car keys nd headed out the door. I hopped in my Lamborghini. Tht my mom let me keep nd drove 2 school. When I arrived there, their were these boys tht wait 4 me 2 come everyday. Its gettin annoying.

August P.O.V

Tht Jada girl is hot, but she won't give me the time of day cuz she thinks I'm a player, but thts alright cuz she will be mine. Just wait nd see. She got out her hot ass car, might I say damn she was lookin fine, I walked up behind her nd put my arm around her shoulder. Before I could say anythin she spoke.

Jada: Get ur arm off me, before I kick u where the sun don't shine

Me: Feisty I like

I didnt see it comin but the next thing I knew I was on the floor. Holdin my balls. Damn tht girl is bad. I heard laughter around me. It was the guys these assholes, just stood there nd laughed.

Jada P.O.V

Thts another reason I hate it here. August watever the fuck his name is, he's so annoying nd he's a player. Look I'm independent, smart, beautiful woman. Id need him in my way. Anyway I'm not feeling 1st period math. So I just decided 2 walk around. Until I bumped into someone, but not just anyone it was one of the teachers nd u knoe wat he did this nigga gave me detention. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Later tht day in detention~

August P.O.V

Yo these teachers be necking mine, shit like Mrs. Green gives me detention when I'm tryin 2 mack wit one of my honey's. Damn nd they got my boys up in here 2. I sat in the back wit them. when the door opened it was tht girl wats her name um Jasmine, Jade, Jada yea thts it, wats she doin in here. Mr. Reid sat her next 2 me, yes!!!!!!

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