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Jada POV

My first day of my suspension, and I'm still waking up early even tho I don't need to, I went back to sleep shortly to hear my Dad bust in my room.

Dad: Babygirl wake up.

Me: Dad 5 more minutes.


I jumped out of bed so fast I almost feel out, I stood up and faced her.

Me: Yes Ma'am.


Me: The same girl has been messing with me I had no other choice but to show her not to mess with me.

Mom: I don't care your grounded until your suspension is over.

Dad: Honey the girl was just defending herself I don't think we should ground the girl.

Mom: You and me can talk about this later but for now she's grounded I'm going to work.

Ugh!!!! Why does she have to be so stubborn like WTF I just thought a BITCH a lesson for messing with me when I'm pissed.

Dad: Sweetheart get dressed.

Huh WTF he mean get dressed I guess I can't argue with my Dad, so as he walked out the room I got in the shower then did my normal hygiene routine then put on this.

Black T-Shirt that says "God First Bro" In White and Red Letters.

•Black Skinny Jeans.

•Black, Red, Grey Jordans.

I put my hair in a high bun, I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. Miss Nana me and Egypt Nanny was back from her vacation.

Me: Hi Nana, How was your trip?

Nana: Relaxing and uh aren't you supposed to be in school.

Me: About that I got suspended.

Nana: You beat another girls ass I can tell.

Me: Yeah.

Nana: Well eat your breakfast.

She set my plate with bacon and eggs, Yay!!! bacon. I started eating then I heard singing I wonder where it's coming from. My Dad came downstairs and he had a strange look on his face.

Dad: Good Morning Nana.

Nana: Morning Mr. Dean

The music started getting louder, I think I know where it's coming from cuz the song sounds so formal. My Dad was about to go see what it was but I stopped him.

Me: Dad I'll go check it out, while you eat breakfast.

Dad: Alright hurry back we have to leave soon.

I walked outside my house and there stood August blasting his song "Bandz" I smiled and ran into his arms, I looked across the street and my ex-boyfriend Issa walks out his house and looks over at us when did he move here, I pulled from the hug.

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