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~2 Weeks Later~

Jada POV

I really fucking miss him, I've been so depressed my girls come over everyday to check on me but all I want is Future really. Me, Nishay, August, Chris and Kiara graduated high school. I wasn't really so excited to have graduated as I wanted to be because I wanted to spend it with someone I truly love now all day everyday all I do is throw up I don't even know what's going on with me.

Mom: Sweetheart, you throwing up like this is crazy I mean you haven't eaten sense Isaiah left but Jada you might be pregnant. (Holds My Hair Back As I Throw Up Again.)

Me: Mom that's crazy.

Mom: It isn't I was throwing up like this when I was pregnant with you, maybe your father should take you to the Doctors office I'll make an appointment.

Before I could answer again I fainted.

~At The Hospital~

Meagan POV

I'm heading over to Jada's house to check on my girl cause her break up with the man she loves was HORRIBLE! But as I pull up she's being carried by her father passed out, I get out my car and run over to Miss Alicia cause I'm just like WTF is going on.

Me: Miss Alicia is everything okay.

Alicia: No Meagan, Jada passed out. (Starts Crying)

Me: WTF happened!

Alicia: I don't know can you please go check on her, I can't go because the kids are here.

Me: Of course I'll call if anything happens. (Gets In The Backseat With Jada)

Alicia: Take this number you may need it.

After she handed me the number, Swizz took off speeding down the highway to the hospital and when we arrived Swizz took off inside and nurses came outside and took her away, I couldn't help but cry I can't see her gone.

Swizz: Jada's gonna be fine, I'm sure of it she's a fighter.

He was right, we went in the hospital and waited to see what happens. I looked at the number Miss Alicia gave me and I called it.

Future POV

I'm running into the hospital after finding Jada was there, I can't help but think I'm the reason she's here. I see Meagan crying and her Dad pacing the floor.

Me: Meagan! What's going on!? Is Jada alright?!

Meagan: We don't know yet, calm down.

Me: I can't calm down! This is all my fault! (Punches The Wall)

Nurse: Sir I'm gonna need you to calm down or your gonna have to leave!

I sat down and put my head in my hands and I felt Meagan rub my back, I hope Jada makes it through this.

Swizz POV

When Isaiah came inside the hospital he was going crazy, I didn't wanna say nothing to him because he did this to my little girl. When the doctor came I stood up.

Me: Is she gonna be alright Doctor?

Doctor: Yes she is gonna be just fine, you need to make sure she eats because she was very weak when you brought her here is there something that may have caused her to stop eating.

Meagan: She had a tough break up and hasn't eaten in 2 weeks.

Doctor: Oh dear, that's not good Jada needs to eat or the baby-(GCO).


Doctor: Yes I informed your daughter, that she would have to eat in order to help the baby grow.

Meagan: Wait how along is she?

Doctor: A month.

I was beyond pissed when I heard that, I need to call Alicia and tell her what's going on she's gonna be upset to hear this.

Jada POV

I'm sitting in this hospital room thinking what the fuck is going on. I mean the last thing that happened was that I passed out, that's when Meagan walked in the room and hugged me.

Meagan: Don't ever scare me like that again! (About To Cry)

Me: Meagan what's going on?

Meagan: After you passed out, me and your Dad brought you to the hospital only to find out your a month pregnant.

Me: Oh my god!!? (Cries)

My Mom was right I am pregnant, worst of all I have to tell Future and he completely hates me how am I supposed to tell him I'm a month pregnant with his baby. That's when Future walked in the room.

Future: Hey.

Me: Hey.

Meagan: I'm gonna leave you two alone. (Leaves)

Future: I'm glad to see you better I know you don't want me here so I'll leave.

Me: (Pulls His Arm) Stay with me please, we have to talk.

Future: (Takes A Seat) What happened to you?

Me: I was just really depressed about are break up, I stopped eating for 2 week I missed you so much. (Starts Crying) Future I didn't kiss him, he kissed me I don't want him-(GCO).

He kissed me, I missed how we were so much. But right after I pulled away and ran to the bathroom and threw up, Future held my hair back as I did.

Future: You alright, do I need to get a nurse?

Me: No I'm alright.

Future: Jada I was thinking, maybe we could talk about getting back together if that's okay with you.

Me: Of cor-(GCO)

Before I could give him my answer, my Dad knocked on the door and spoke.

Dad: Jada you alright, Doctor said you can come home today I'll be outside. (Leaves)

Once he left I put on the clothes he left in the room and changed, then turned to look at Future.

Me: I'll come over tomorrow night, I really need to talk to you.

Future: Alright, wait can I get a hug.

I smiled and hugged him and meet up with Meagan and we left, nothing can come between me telling Future that I'm pregnant, I hope it goes well.

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