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Three Years Later
In University

"Yah.....yah.....yah....." I rolled my eyes as Luhan whispered for my attention while he continued to throw little crumpled pieces of paper at me, while I tried to pay attention to the lesson.

When I had enough, I turned around and glared at him before I opened one of the papers and scoffed at the note.

"Ms Do is so hot"

I gagged and picked up my pencil to write a reply when none other than Ms Do walked up to me and snatched to note out of my hand.

"Sora, no passing notes in my class." She warned me as she walked back to the front of the class and read the note out loud, not knowing what message it held.

Her face was red as the young teacher looked up at me in horror, along with the other students in the hall.

"I didn't write that!!" I shrieked and I spun around to give that idiot who actually wrote the letter a death glare.


I walked around the campus, waiting for Eunji's class to end so I could rant to her about how I got kicked out of class thanks to that jerk. Why am I even friends with him? He's been nothing but trouble. Always getting me into shit.

I love this university. It was like a little village. With the dorms, the little restaurants, shops, everything made it feel cozy. Everything except for Luhan. I hate him so much.

The bell rang and I sighed in relief. I started walking towards Eunji's class when I saw Luhan coming from the other side of the hall. I rolled my eyes and spun around, deciding that I'd take the longer route to Eunji's class. She usually waits for me after first period, so that we could go grab some lunch together. Luhan usually eats lunch with his jock friends. Yup, he's pretty popular now. EunJi had a major Gloup so she's well known too. And then there's me. Looking like a fricken squid.

Why did I have to be the ugly one? I thought gloups happened like third or fourth year of high school! I'm in first year uni!!

"So! So! Sora-sshi! Jung Sora!" I heard that demon calling my name and my legs took longer and faster strides as I tried to avoid him.

He somehow caught up to me and spun me around making me face him.

"Mianhe!!" He said pouting trying to do aegyo.

"Fuck you." I spat and turned around, and walking away from him.

"Do you want to? When are you free? How about tomorrow night?" He asked cheekily and I glared at him through my glasses.

"Listen you little shit, if a girl doesn't listen to you, or cusses at you, it means you should stop annoying her before she kills you." I growled and he frowned.

"Yah, Jung Sora, let me go this time. I'll buy food! What's it gonna be? Subway? McDonalds? How abou-"

"How about you shut the hell up and leave me alone before your girlfriend, Regina George, stabs me with her eyes." I said as I motioned towards his girlfriend, who was with her little squad, glaring at me.

Hwang Seol. Is that even her real name?

School's sweetheart. She was a sweet girl, except she wasn't. She was sweet in front of the boys, and most of the girls, and the teachers, and basically all adults, and well, everyone. Except for me. She was the worlds biggest bitch to me. Why?

Because she was the reason I had to move out of my old school to the school where I met EunJi and Luhan. She got me expelled by making up lies.

My eyes met hers and her gaze hardened before it became a light smile. I raised my eyebrows in confusion before I noticed that Luhan had turned to look at her, explaining the change of expression on her face.

Luhan walked over to her and the rest of their popular squad. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Took you long enough." EunJi muttered and I pouted and squealed a sorry to her before we linked hands and skipped out of her class to whatever food station interested us.

We passed the basketball court and heard a bunch of squealing.

We looked and saw Seol and her friends cheering for the guys playing basketball. Luhan and Kris were basically playing one on one as the whole court could sense the tension. Of course, Kris would be protective of his sister and hate any guy in her life other than a family member.

"Wahh, Seol is such a nice girl. She's perfect for Luhan." EunJi smiled and I gagged before she nudged me.

"I still don't understand why you hate her." She said as we continued walking towards my favourite restaurant, before she abruptly stopped.

"Aish, it's that guy." She muttered and tried to make us walk a different way.

"But I like their food!!" I wailed as she pulled me away. We hid behind a large tree and she poked her head out. "What are we hiding from?" I asked and she shushed me.

"See that guy over there? The one who has blonde hair?" She said pointing over at a tall guy who was smoking a cigarette, right next to a smoke free sign.

Wow. Rebel.

"Yeah? Is he new?" I asked and she nodded her head vigorously.

"He's in my class. He moved here last week and ugh!! He keeps hitting on me!" She whined and I laughed at her.

"But he's super cute! You guys would make hot children." I said looking between him and then to EunJi.

She shoved my hand in embarrassment.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Oh Sehun, I think." EunJi muttered before her stomach growled.

"Let's go eat at the sushi place over there!" She said pulling me away.




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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