Two Odd People, One Perfect Pair

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This is a story about how I met Chizuru and how we became close. The story of the Wolf and Cat. 

Ame sat in a grassy field, with his arms crossed, as he tilted his head up, to yawn to the world. He was a quite relaxed and laid back guy, but he was quite a short tempered fellow who held up a bold and cold front to avoid others. This has always been Ame's bad habit. There, behind him, he felt the presence of another of someone that stood behind him. He turned his head around, slightly twisting his body to look, and there stood a girl with two different colored eyes. A Aqua blue and a red-ish orange set of eyes, meeting his ocean blue orbs. As soon as there eyes met, the wind blew wildly around them. Leaves dancing into the wind, and the field swaying with grace. Ame quickly snapped out of their trace from one another, and started to give off a cold glare. "Who the hell are you?" He asked, in a tough guy type of way, clicking his tongue afterwards. "The name's Chizuru, your's?" She asked, walking over, and crouching down beside him. 

Ame's eyes widen slightly to how close she was, backing up a bit. "I have don't have to answer to you." He growled, seeing her ears. Cat ears. "Oh.. So I see. You're a cat, no wonder you stink like one." He snickered, trying to strike a nerve in her. Which did. "What did you just say?! Cats don't stink, maybe it's you that's the one that stinks you damn mutt!" She replied back, holding her fist up. "Haha, you're so easy to piss off, it's sad." He teased, with a sly grin, shrugging his arms without a care in the world. Suddenly, he could feel himself being pulled forward. "Listen, you snot nose brat, I am not! I was already pissed in the first place, so don't try me!" She hissed, holding her hand up, as her claws came out, with a sharp glare. Ame put his hands up, turning head away with a smirk. "Okay okay, just get your flat chested self away from me Pancake." He replied back.

Chizuru grunted to his insult about her chest, as she quickly distanced herself away from him, covering up her chest with her arms. Soon after, a dark hue of red filled her cheeks and tips of her ears. She kept her mouth shut, while puffing out her cheeks. Ame sat up, and stood up, dusting off his clothing, with a soft chuckle. "Dumb cat. You're to easy, just get out of here." He spoke, turning away from her, and shoving his hands into his pockets, with a smile. 'That was to easy for my taste.. how boring.' He thought to himself, walking away. "Wait!" She shouted out, suddenly grabbing ahold of his hand, with her two. Ame looked back with a slight surprised look, to see her hands, grasping onto his tightly. His mouth opened slightly, catching her colorful pair of eyes. As if the world slowed around them. The wind picking up once again, as their hair danced gracefully into the wind. "I uh.. Let me come with you, please." She asked with a sweet voice, looking into his eyes, with her ears slightly twitching. "

"Hell No." He responded simply, turning his head away, and yanking his hand back. Chizuru's mouth dropped open, that he responded to her so plainly and straight forward. "Why not?!" She shouted back, while her ears laid back. "Because I have no interest in a child like you." Ame responded, continuing to walk on. The two went on, back and forth, with the same question and the same answer. Chi Chi followed Ame, on and on. Until--"Pleaseeeee, let me come wi-" "OKAY! okay.. You can come along, just-- I have some rules, and never break these rules, or else I will kill you. Got it?" He cut her off, with a twitching left eye, and a smile. Chizuru was shocked that she actually got threw to him, but smiled afterwards, nodding her head. "Mhmm! You got it!" She replied. She held her arms behind her back, playing with her thumbs, now walking beside him. 

"And here is where I call out rule #1-- stay 3 meters behind me, or further. I don't want people to think I know you, because I don't." He stated, moving away by 3 meters, and shoving his hands back in his pockets. Chizuru gasped to that rule, and crossed her arms like a child. "Fine! But at least tell me your name!" She shouted back. Ame stopped in his tracks, looking down at the ground for a few moments, debating to tell her or not. The male lifted his head, and turned back with his bright ocean blue orbs. "It's Ame. Ame Tsukiyomi." He replied casually, and turned back, continuing on, as the girl followed behind with a smile, repeating his name. "Ame, huh? Thanks for letting follow along, Ame." She thanked, giving a bright smile towards him. The male turned back a bit, looking in the corner of his eye, to see such a happy smile for him. A sight, he'll learn to enjoy to see and want. And on they went, a young wolf accompanied by a curious and happy small cat. 

Wolf and Cat (Ame x Chizuru)Where stories live. Discover now