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Daisy POV
It's been a few days since Alexis said that Lincoln was coming home. As I'm sleeping I dream of Lincoln when all of a sudden Coulson calls me and tells me to come to the lab. I get out of bed and do exactly that after I check and make sure I put one of the baby monitors in Alexis room so if she starts crying I can hear her since I won't be able to hear her. I then go to the lab where everyone is at. When I ask what's going on all Fitz says is that the levels are rising and a portal is going to be opening up within the next few seconds. All I can think about is Lincoln.

Lincoln POV
This is it...I'm going home. I'm going to get to see my family again, daisy..my daughter. After I say goodbye I walk through the portal when all of a sudden I'm greeted by the team...and Daisy. "Lincoln" is all I hear before daisy is hugging me. The next few minutes pass in a blur. After an hour after fitzsimmons cleared me. I'm back with Daisy. She's in my arms...when all of a sudden I ask, "Alexis?" She simply smiles and leads me to her room when she opens a light pink door. All I see in the room is toys, pictures, and a bed with my daughter wrapped up in her blankets. There's a nightlight by her bed so I can see she's sleeping with a stuffed pikachu, when I look over on her table I see a picture or me and my SHIELD badge that Coulson gave me over almost 6 years ago. When I look at daisy all she says is "go ahead." With that I go over to Alexis bed and sit down on the edge. I look at her sleeping face and gently pick her up and hold her in my arms. After a few minutes she starts to stir and next thing I'm met with the most beautiful eyes....She has my eyes. She says daddy and starts crying as she clings tightly to me. As daisy sees this she sits down beside me, she's crying and so am I....we're all crying. I don't know how long we sat like that but as I try to put Alexis back in her bed she starts crying and clings even tighter to me. "Daddy please don't leave me" she cries, after hearing that I pick her and her stuffed pikachu and daisy and I take her into daisy bed, where we all get into bed. When Alexis hits the bed she falls asleep. Daisy and I stay up talking about everything that's happened over the past 5 years. When we were talking I decided that the most important thing that I've missed was 5 years with my little girl. Right then I told daisy that I wasn't gonna leave again, and I wasn't gonna miss anymore time with her or our daughter.

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