Im Free ... Or Not.

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Maya's POV

We were waiting in the car for sometime. Renee had been in the building for over 20 minutes. At first we suspected that she might not have been able to find her purse .. But now our minds were wondering in all different types of directions.

What if she fell and cracked her head?

What if she fell and couldnt call for help?

What if she got robbed?

We didn't know what to think.

"Niall..?" I whispered over to him. "Im scared, what if something happened to her?"

"Im getting a little worried too ... Harry, I think we should go inside and check it out" Niall suggested.

"Im right with you on that one Niall" Harry agreed as he began to shuffel out of the car.

Just then my Phone beeped.

It was a text message from Renee.


Rey: Hey M, My mom came to pick me up saying I was in trouble for staying out so late, Gosh she can be such a bitch sometimes, Im sorry for the inconvience .. Go out to eat without me <3 Love ya, tell harry Im sorry ! See you 2mm.

Kisses xoxo MAUH :*

"Guys wait stop" I showed them the text messages.

"Shes okay, she home" I explained feeling a wash of relief.

"Oh thank goodness" Harry smiled. "So do you guys wanna just go get something to eat?"

"Yes we are starved back here" Perrie shouted making everyone laugh.

We were all laughing as the Limo driver pulled off.

I wasn't 100% sure of what happened with Ren, but if she was with her mom, she had to be okay.

I looked at my phone one last time ...

Wait .. something didn't fit right.

I was with Renee when she texted her mom asking if she could spend the night .. She most deffiantly said yes.

I didnt understand .. Maybe her mom changed her mind I thought.

I couldn't shke off the bad feeling I had inside ... Something deep down inside me knew that there was something more to it.

RENEE'S POV ********************************************************************************

I sat up, I didn't know where I was ... All I could remember was blacking out.

I was laying down, on a hard bed without any blankets or sheets. I looked around, a window was cracked open. Cold air was furiously blowing into the room. I had no idea of my where abouts.

I slowly got up .. I felt dizzy, I grabbed onto the nearest object, but within seconds I was on the floor, the room was becoming fainter with each blink of an eye ...

"Well, well, well, my dear ... you don't look too well" I heard a deep voice, I tried to look up, but the weight of my head wouldn't allow me too.

"Wha- what is this?" I managed to get something out.

"This is whats going to happen ... Your going to do what I say when I say it and how I say or your secret will be revealed."

I couldn't say another word ... I blacked out.


I woke up, this time to a more familiar setting.

Andrew's Room.

I looked around, he was no where to be found.

I slowly got up .. still a little dizzy from whatever happened to me earlier.

I looked to see if there was anyway out. Finding nothing of good use I tried for Andrews room door.

It was creaked slightly open, I tried to squeeze my small frame through the door.

And when I was out I stumbled on something. It was Andrews body .. What the hell happened to  him.?

There was no source of life in his body, I felt for a pulse on his neck .. There was nothing, he was dead. His lifeless body stood there before my eyes, I couldn't believe it ... What happened to him?

Before I could do any thinking, I dashed out of the house .. scared.

My heart was racing, I ran and ran and ran until I was far enough in the distance to not see the old house anymore.

Andrew lived so far from me so I had to travel home by foot while I was half dizzy.

It was freezing, and I didnt have a jacket or even a sweater, and ontop of everything I still didnt have my purse ...

I still couldn't believe that Andrew was dead. What happened to him?

I couldn't help but feel a little sign of relief because I was free of him .. He would no longer torture me and I could still live my life out with Harry.

No one would find out my secret ...

About 20 minutes later I arrived at my front porch. My parents were sleeping so I quietly snuck up into my room.

I was so relieved ..

I began to take off the clothes that haunted me of the events that occured on this night ..

Andrew was gone ... I was free. I turned off all the lights in my room and laid down in my warm bed.

A second later my phone beeped.


Andrew: Hey sweetness, you can't get rid of me that easy, you thought I was dead? Well so did I, lets just say God works in mysterious ways ... And lets just say with the help of a little friend will always get you far my lady. I will see you when I see you love, stay sexy for me you little sneaky bitch .. and Lets hope little old Harold doesn't find out about your little secret ...

From your sexy boyfriend .. Your mines now bitch.

All I did was stare I couldn't believe my eyes, Andrew was alive ...

All I could do at that moment was drop my phone. I dropped it and a water fountian of tears spilled out my eyes I couldn't take it anymore ..

I was screwed ...


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