Chapter 2 : Meeting Her

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❝I don't regret meeting you , but I wish I had never fallen in love with you.❞

Chapter 2 ~ Meeting Her

I sat spinning around in the office chair , bored out of my mind. Management and the boys were currently having a private conversation about my 'problems' and what they can do to 'help' me.

I highly doubt that they'll do anything to help me though. They'll probably force me into dating some other famous person and then break us up six or seven months later. Wow , that'll really solve my problems.

"Louis , we have someone coming in today to apply for a student intern job so when they come could you just tell 'em to sit in the waiting room please."Ruby said smiling before she walked back to the conference room.

"Of course , it's not like I have anything better to do."I muttered to myself as I continued to spin in circles. I heard the door to the office open and close but I ignored it not really caring.

"You know , it worries some people when one starts talking to themselves likes it something normal and that they do on a daily basis."I heard a somewhat familiar voice say from behind me.

I spun around in the chair , staring at the same girl from yesterday. Her hair was a different color today , it wasn't just one specific color though , today it had some blue , pink , and some purple as well.

"What are you doing here?"I asked her with a frown on my face. Instead of being offended by the way I spoke to her the girl smiled brightly at me instead , as though she had expected for me to react that way.

"Well I'm here for a student intern job! I'm hoping to become a music producer someday and what better way to do so than by working with the best..Well second best next to Eminem to me."She said nodding.

"I'm not gonna disagree with but if you think Eminem is the best than why don't you work with him eh?"I asked her. She frowned and shrugged as she dug through her bag pulling out a few papers.

"I'm not experienced enough , they don't think I'll make it as a music producer but , whatever. They're opinion."She sighed as she placed the papers in front of her and myself as well.

"Oh...Well student interns are supposed to sit over there in that waiting room , they're in the middle of a meeting and they should be out soon."I said taking the papers and setting them aside.

"Okay."She said as she gave me a small smile and skipped to the waiting room sitting down on one of the white sofa's they had there. I let a small smile slip onto my face but it quickly vanished as the girl looked over at me.

"You know , I had never gotten your name yesterday. Mind telling me it?"She asked tilting her head as she cocked an eyebrow. I shook my head no as I prayed that the boys and management would come out of the room soon.

"Why not? Is it because you have an embarrassing name?"She teased me with a playful smile playing on her purple lips. She must have a lot of confidence to wear bright purple lipstick.

"No , my name is very normal thank you very much and if it gets you to shut up than my name is Louis Tomlinson."I said rudely. The girl rolled her eyes , still smiling at me as if my insult did not affect her what so ever.

"It's is lovely to meet you Louis Tomlinson , I am Jo Milam."She said as her brown eyes twinkled from across the room. I felt my heart give a weird jerk but I shook it off.

"Your name is Jo?"I asked the girl raising an eyebrow. She's probably the first girl that I know with the name of Jo. She shrugged as she shook her head which confused me even more.

"No , my name isn't Jo but , it is the name that I gave myself because my other name doesn't fit me quite well. It did when I was like twelve but not so much anymore."She said swinging her legs back and forth.

"What's your real name?"I asked her.

"Vivian."She said the name with distaste as she scrunched up her nose as though the name was something disgusting. I chuckled quietly as I admired how cute she looked.

"Oh."I said simply as I scolded myself for having such thoughts for a girl that was most likely just going to break my heart. I don't think I could deal with another heart break to be honest.

"Alright Louis , the meeting is over now oh-who are you?"Ruby asked smiling curiously at Jo who was staring at the purple strands of her hair. She looked up and smiled brightly at Ruby as she stood up.

"I'm the new student intern. Jo."She said. Ruby's eyes brightened with recognition as she crossed the room to Jo and shook the poor girls hand feverishly.

"Oh how wonderful to meet you Miss Milam! We've been awaiting your presence here in London for quite some time now."Ruby said excitedly. I cocked an eyebrow as I thought over Ruby's words. Did Jo not live in London?

"Ah well I've been waiting to make an appearance here in London."Jo chuckled. Ruby smiled as she started explaining things to Jo while they walked into the conference room. I stared after them till they were out of my site.

"So Louis , what do you think of the new intern?"Harry asked smirking slightly at me. I looked away from the door to face the curly haired lad , only to roll my eyes at the smug look on his face.

"She seems okay , a bit to bubbly , and she smiles way to much."I said. Well I wasn't entirely lying , I mean she was very bubbly and she did smile a lot but that wasn't bad.

"Oh come on mate! You have to admit she's hot!"Harry exclaimed as the other boys glanced at the two of us every once in a while. I shook my head , walking around from behind the desk I was sitting behind.

"Harry don't you have a girlfriend by the name of Aurora? You shouldn't be calling other girls hot."I said scolded him. A goofy, love struck smile crossed onto Harry's features at the name of his lover.

"Yeah well there's a huge difference. Aurora isn't hot , she's beautiful. Like a flawless painting , she's stunning and one of a kind."Harry said in a dreamy state. I stuck my tongue out , gagging.

"Alright lover boy , can we not talk about this?"I asked him as I looked down at the ground.

"Not talk about what?"Jo asked from behind us. I glanced back at the colorful girl who smiled brightly at us. I felt my lips twitch as a smile was trying to force it's way onto my face but I wouldn't allow it.

"We were talking about how Louis was offering to give you a tour of London."Niall said as he came into the conversation smiling. Jo and I looked at Niall in surprise.

"He did?"

"I did?"

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